Monday, December 8, 2014

Gay Protest Pansy Waves Fake Dick - He's Here and Queer

Oh, who says ALL Americans are furious about racial injustice?

HERE is a HOMOSEXUAL who KNOWS what PROTEST should be about! Oh, some art exhibit. Or something.

What a face. Look at that giddy yap.

He's gotten FREE PUBLICITY. He can tell all his friends he's been ARRESTED. Woo hoo!

He and his shower buddy hissed, "Fuck Art Basel!" Oh, naughty naughty!

In case that wasn't enough, there was the old standard attention-getter: "Fuck all you rich people!"


This Sherrard character, the Shirley Temple of protesters, knows that a slap on his limp wrist is all he'll get for his cunning stunt. He was arrested last year.

What for? Ooooh, mercy, he had set up a "nihilist-anarchist puppet show" in a busy Times Square subway station and was calling attention to himself. People had better things to do than care about this queer and his "art," and when the cops came, he threw a hissy fit. He railed that he had every right (here and queer, after all) to make a nuisance of himself in public. The cops said he was creating a "hazardous condition." He whined that some of his puppets got broken during his histrionic protest/arrest. And, clearly, he learned nothing from that experience, so he minced over to Art Basel to stage another ridiculous bit of fretting.

Wow, he waved a fake dick around. Tell THAT to the blacks who rioted in Ferguson, or laid themselves flat on their backs to imitate the corpses of men slain by cops.

Woo hoo, you chocolate-covered people, THIS is how to do it. Why so glum? Why those pouts on those big puffy lips of yours? Why don't you complain about something that matters, like an ART SHOW?

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