Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cat in Turkey Trouble or PHOTOSHOP PHRAUD?

With so many in the news media unable or unwilling to FACT CHECK, I have to say, THIS photo looks like a fucking FRAUD. A photoshop job. Tell me you'd hold a cat the way this guy is holding it? Why is one hand BEHIND the cat?

Shit like this always happen in a foreign country.

Often the exact date is obscured, and the city isn't mentioned.

The details are very hinky. This Turkish twat's car wasn't driving quite right? If you've got a cat in the motor, the car will either not start, or go just fine except for the sound of a screaming cat.

At the very least, that photo was heavily doctored.

Well..."so what," is the big yawn. "We're all entertained, and it's a momentary diversion. What do we care if it's real or not? Stop RUINING OUR FUN."

I hear that shit all the time. I often correct assholes who post MEMES that quote George Carlin or Mark Twain (or most anyone) incorrectly. I say, "Carlin never said that." And I get a dour, "So? What's the difference? It's a great quote."

And my answer is that even if it's a great quote (and it usually isn't), let's maintain some standards. What the fuck is wrong with being factual? What's wrong with research? Should we shrug and be slackers in every way? Drop some food on the floor and serve it to you? Allow a convenient amount of crap in your peanut butter? Allow your sheets or your underwear to have a certain amount of mistakes in the stitching and not let you return the defective item?

Fake and Frauds? FUN!

Some websites have also run a photo of the cat hiding in the car motor, and a photo of the cat being treated by a Vet. Same cat? Really? Note that the tabby's "M" is very prominent in the car motor photo, but at the Vet, the cat doesn't have that same "M" on his forehead, and has a white marking over one eye. Same cat? Really?

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