Friday, December 5, 2014

Today's Boys are FUCKED...But Not in a Good Way

You'd think that the bone thrown at today's teenage boy, in return for growing up in a world of violence, pollution and doom, is the bone he can throw between a girl's legs.

Surprise. (Maybe not).

A lot of guys aren't finding a Viley Virus sitting at the school desk next to them, sticking her tongue down toward her chin and flashing some "side-boob."

No, as a previous generation of guys discovered during the so-called "sexual revolution," most girls still keep the prized pussy wrapped in its protective panty. They still demand old fashioned behavior (a ton of gifts, a ton of attention, endless hours listening to prattle or having to watch stupid romance movies) before there's even a kiss.

Over at Breitbart (some kind of owned by an egotist I barely have heard of), a feature piece discusses the "Sexodus" that involves depressed teenage males sitting around playing video games, or playing with themselves, because they feel their world is SHITE. While I'm tempted to say that girls may be just as depressed, feeling all the good guys are either gay or unfaithful or Biebers who only date the Virus, the long, long article does present a credible view that it's ONLY the penis-owners who are getting the limp end of the stick, and crushed by the stink of today's vaginal culture.

Any article that starts to drift into a discussion of "tectonic societal shifts" loses me, as does any reference to Nihilism. Still, in browsing through the rest of the piece, there were plenty of sadly accurate descriptions of how guys are, contrary to the stereotypes of "strong vs weak," constantly pussified, mystified and anything BUT gratified thanks to confident cunts who have the pride of an invisible "Look But DON'T TOUCH" sign hanging over them. Do we not see a gaggle of smirky obnoxious bitches happily squealing and yapping in a pack more often than the same number of boisterous boys punching each others shoulders? Face it, girls are very happy to just jibber-jabber and go stare in the bathroom mirror ten times a day. Guys have to pretend it's a good time to listen to other guys, when it's not even a good time to go wank in the bathroom ten times a day to relieve all the anxiety.

One question, unresolved by Breitbart, is whether the problem is cultural. Perhaps Mexicans and Blacks and Muslims don't feel so depressed because they can easily dominate, date-rape and beat the women they know? Is it only people with silly names (like Breitbart) that are suffering?

Years ago, Mr. Ernest Gebler wrote, "It isn't just homosexuals who don't like women. Nobody likes them."

By way of optimism, perhaps I should quote Mr. Ian Dury, who asked, "Which of us is happy in this life?" Older males certainly are not. Perhaps twat owners aren't either, and simply know, via lipstick and powder and false lashes and the rest of the fakery, how to hide the misery better. Most of them wear what is in actuality, a clown mask.

More, Oliver? For more of the article, which goes on and on, and is a threatened two-parter, go to the Breitbart site. Otherwise, this last segment will do...

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