Saturday, August 9, 2014


Today we are witnessing the world-wide scapegoating of Jews. But...

Let's not forget that Copyright Owners are the Nigger of the World.

No wonder AMAZON is now engaging in Hitler tactics to scapegoat writers and put them in the same league with greedy Jews. And greedy copyright owners who want royalties. Bob, copyright owner, Jew...he should be lucky he's not in the swamp. IE, some muddy riverbank owned by AMAZON.

Here's how TIME magazine reports it. AMAZON hacked a publisher's e-mail, vigilante-published the guy's e-mail address, and urged that everybody bomb the guy's e-mail with angry abuse.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Sounds like Hans Demented or Mephisto Cunt or any number of other spoiled nasties who were telling their fellow bloggers, forum members and torrent thieves: "Singers and songwriters and record labels don't need money. Harass them! Keep re-upping! Don't let the bastards win!"

Right...don't let those bastard Jew writers win! Nevermind that almost no book author can make a living without a second job, and that even Philip Roth and Allen Ginsberg were professors. Not to mention the poet Anselm Hollo. But hey, you're supposed to write books because it's easy for you, and you get FAME, so you don't deserve what teachers get, what plumbers get, what lawyers get...the right to set a price and get paid.

Bozo Bezos, the Nazi Fascist scumbag who runs AMAZON, is just as much of a Hitler as his competition at GOOGLE. In fact, he pulls all the same games he learned from the Hitler playbook.

First and foremost, bait and switch. Come off as that wonderful, generous company that lets you return anything you don't like, and gives you FREE SHIPPING. Except...they now are much stricter about returns, and they upped the free shipping to CERTAIN items only, and ONLY if you buy at least $35 worth of crap.

AMAZON made itself out to be every book lover's dream. Not only could you get any book at a discount, they'd direct you to the competition...USED copies. How nice for the authors...NOT. But AMAZON didnt care, because they control all the used book sellers. They can make a damn good profit off used copies — that get NO ROYALTIES FOR THE AUTHOR.

That wasn't enough for greedhead BEZOS, so he began flogging KINDLE on the opening page of the Amazon website. You couldn't search for anything without being told that KINDLE was the greatest invention in the history of the world. And like the Hitler and Mussolini scum who sell printers cheap and then kill you on the ink, BEZOS was happy to sell a KINDLE for $100 or $ long as it hooked readers into downloading only PDFs that run on a KINDLE.

And now?? Now they paint publishers and authors as greedy Jew bastards who don't deserve their money.

BEZOS tells the world, from the comfort of his billionaire mansion and his huge compounds where his army of worker ants put shit into boxes all day...that book publishers make too much money. Not AMAZON? Shouldn't AMAZON have free shipping no matter what you purchase? Aren't they RICH ENOUGH FOR THAT?

BEZOS tells the world that since it's so easy to flip a paperless file onto the Internet...FUCK THE AUTHORS. Just because it still takes months if not years to write a book...that's no reason for an author to receive a decent hourly wage for it.

This is the same argument Hans Demented and Mephisto Cunt gave for stealing the music: "You just go into a recording studio for a little while...nevermind the years it took to learn your craft. Nevermind the time it took to write the songs. Nevermind how fussy WE are about making sure you use real drummers and the best sound engineers to give US the best music to get high to. You people should NOT make money from mp3 files that you don't even have to press onto a CD. So how dare you charge 99 cents a song on iTunes? You should make your money selling t-shirts and touring! Stay away from your family and go play coffee houses night after night in strange cities."

Jealousy, anyone? Scapegoating? The mediocre swine of the world making sure to put down the artists. Same way the stupid people of the world are jealous of Jews because Jews tend to be smart and creative and they don't have to be organ grinders and plumbers like the Italians and the Poles. Right?

Funny (not) that I don't see lawyers charge a client $10 an hour. Why don't they? Wal-Mart workers make $10 an hour. So does a hot dog vendor in the park. Who's a LAWYER to charge so much? He's got it easy. He sits at a desk. What nerve! If he put in 4 years to go to law school, and paid a fortune in tuition...too bad. He didn't have to be a lawyer, did he? I'm entitled to get a lawyer for $10 an hour...and it's just unfortunate I can't bully a lawyer into billing me for less...when I can have a Fascist like JEFF BEZOS fix the prices so a guy spending a year researching a book can only get $3.99 on a download...

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