Sunday, August 10, 2014

Entertainment is...making a brat and his slob mom SUFFER

Oh, it's fun to be rich.

Or at least, to have some disposable income to pull a great prank on uncouth monkey sub-humans.

"If I were king..."

Let's face it, we are all little Hitlers. I'd have an entourage that would intimidate morons and send them running in the opposite direction. They'd form a flying wedge when I walked down the street...deflecting dog walkers, baby carriages, dreamwalking morons, assholes with cigars, and every other species of turd.

If I didn't feel like an entourage...I'd simply buy out the seats in front of me and behind me at the theater or on a plane...and have heavy boxes with metal spikes on the top placed on those chairs to make sure NOBODY comes over to sit in them.

If not a private home, most certainly I'd have a duplex...and then also own the floor above and below, PLUS soundproofing, to make sure my serenity would not be disturbed...

Care to sit back and ponder what you'd do to avoid or get even with noisy, stupid, obnoxious monkey sub-humans?

This guy has $35 to waste...he could've gone to a decent restaurant less likely to have an out-of-control brat in it. But who knows, maybe there wasn't anything nearby and he was really famished.

I'd like to think that as he walked away with his packages, he heard that kid screaming and shrieking at his mother, "I want FUCKING PIE! I want FUCKING PIE" and that the kid continued to scream it as they searched for the nearest joint that had some.

But...this mother-of-monster clearly could care less. They're used to their brats misbehavior, and don't even hear it after a while. But if I had an entourage...that kid would be deposited in a dumpster, and his bitch mama would be tossed in after him, and one of my men would say, "Now you stay there for a solid hour in this stinking metal can, and when you get out, keep your fucking mouth shut except to say a prayer that you're still alive. And promise God you will NEVER mouth off to strangers or let your brat screech in public again."

I can dream, can't I?

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