Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Peanut Brain Gives Aid And Comfort to Terrorists

For those who didn't suffer through Jimmy Carter's brief, inept presidency, let me sum it up. He was a jerk.

He's worse now.

Is he just senile or is he the Devil?

An American president...even an ex-President...going against America's support of Israel and condemnation of Hamas? He's done it.

It's unbelievable that this man could actually say that America must recognize...TERRORISTS.

Yet that's what he's said. Instead of being intelligent and reasonable, and urging that Palestinians reject Hamas for the anti-Semitic and violent cult that it is...he's saying that the world should accept a government that preaches bigotry and hatred.

Now what was Dizzy Desi the Toot and Eanie Meanie Brian Eno talking about a few days ago? Israel as the KKK country of genocide? Now it's Carter's turn to amp up the insanity. Israel doesn't say "Our mission is to destroy Muslims," but Hamas says they want to destroy Israel and Jews. Carter is for this. Carter thinks these are reasonable people!

Ex-President Jimmy Carter. Some of you are asking...

Who the fuck WAS this guy? And why's he opening his yap now??

Coming after the debacle of Nixon, Carter was seen as a healer, a soft-spoken country boy who was a humble peanut farmer before rising to the rank of governor of Georgia. He seemed the exact opposite of Tricky Dick. "Be gentle with us," Barbara Walters actually said, interviewing him.

Walters meant that the country had been bruised and hurt and torn apart. Barbara Walters is Jewish. She has a heart. She risked saying something very embarrassing...on behalf of the country she loved.

What did Carter do? Very little. He grinned a lot. He amused people by talking about how he "lusted" in his heart but never committed adultery. He had an alcoholic idiot brother Billy, who seemed to be in the headlines all the time for drinking and promoting beer.

His answer to most everything was...do nothing.

When Americans were taken hostage by the psycho bastards of Iran...Jimmy Carter did nothing. It was an early sign to the Arabs that Americans had no guts for a fight...not even one they could easily win. At the time, there was no question that America could've sent the Muslims scurrying for cover, knees bent, praying to US not to Mecca for their very lives.

Pushover Carter's other achievement was to knuckle under to Communist Cuba. In some bizarre move that a fleet of therapists and pundits could never figure out, the President made a deal with Castro to set free...hundreds of criminals. Yes, Castro happily opened his jail cells and allowed hundreds of criminals to have "amnesty" in America. In other words...to help soil and destroy Florida and turn it into a Spanish-speaking violent cesspool.

Carter figured he was being a humanitarian. Instead he was a chump.

Over the years, Jimmy Carter has become a pariah to every succeeding United States President. Republican or Democrat, they've been embarrassed to be in his company. The main reason is Carter's insane hatred of Jews. For a soft-spoken man who seems reasonable, all you have to do is mention Israel, and his redneck Jew-hating bloodline starts to throb.

There's nothing Israel could do, besides "GET THEE OUT," to appease Jimmy Carter.

I saw Jimmy on TV a few months ago, hawking his new book. After writing dozens of them on every possible topic, including kiddie books and home-spun memoirs, he finally decided to write about the problems of women in the world...women being abused. The interviewer, Charlie Rose, asked what was going on in the Arab countries.

Carter smiled demurely, and admitted that culturally, the Arabs just don't like women. They don't think women are equal. After being in the headlines mostly for his Arab-loving insanity (and who knows how much money he was paid, in speaking fees, to do this), he was suddenly taking up women's rights. Not Jewish women, of course. Mr. Peanut's book was all about how women aren't treated well around the world. He wrote about the tragedies in Africa...where they circumcise women, rape women, and worse. He even mentioned, briefly, that in the Middle East they don't allow women to even drive a car. Charlie Rose asked Carter what he could do about this, since he is a "great friend" of the Arabs.

Carter shook his head. He didn't think he could or should interfere with Arab culture. So why write the fucking book? Who knows. Is this guy senile or what??

He doesn't want to offend Arabs. So he thinks he should interfere with the delicate balance of Israel in today's overheated climate. He thinks he should fan the flames of bigotry and anti-Semitism by siding with the terrorists of Hamas.

He has the nerve to grumble that Israel, by firing weapons at the terrorists who try to tunnel into their country, and who fire missiles at them all day long...somehow Israel hasn't played fair. Carter doesn't like how Israel has handled themselves...and to make matter worse...much worse...HE believes that Hamas should be recognized.

People of good will anywhere in the world can and should denounce terrorism. Terrorism is against the Geneva convention, against all morality, against humanity. There should be NO dealings with people who actually state hatred for another race. That's real genocide. That's real apartheid. But that's ok not only with a crackpot has-been like Brian Eno, or a drug addled nasty piece of work like Roger Waters, or a senile old fart like Tutu...it's ok with former President of the United States Jimmy Carter.

"Be gentle with us..."

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