Friday, August 15, 2014

Vicious Dogs are Amusing? Sentence SEBASTIANO QUAGLIATA to LIFE

There's a sub-human monkey in the world named SEBASTIANO QUAGLIATA.

His skunk-bitch of a girlfriend is VALBONA LUCAJ.

No, this is NOT an EYE CHART. VALBONA LUCAJ SEBASTIANO QUAGLIATA are two actual people who somehow crawled into the United States, found a slime-pit home in some shitty area of decimated Detroit...and raised two monster dogs.

The dogs, eventually weighing over 110 pounds each...attacked and killed a jogger.

Oh well. These two low-life jerks knew their dogs were dangerous, but they LIKED having dangerous dogs.

After all, these dangerous dogs could guard the crap in the hovel they lived in. Who knows, they could also serve as sex partners for these repulsive jerks, too.

There's a "culture" in this world...the most evil, most ferocious the dogs are...the better. How entertaining to watch dogs growl and snarl at birds, cats, the postman, leaves falling off a tree...ANYTHING.

Haven't you seen dog owners SMILE and LAUGH and CHEER as their dog, off the leash, chases after a squirrel, ready to rip its head off? I remember a guy grinning and telling me "if my dog kills a stray cat on my property...he goes to dog heaven!" I know a woman who had a cat...and the dog next door raced over, and nearly ate that cat's guts out. The dog, off the leash, nearly killed the cat. Thousands of dollars in medical bills to save it. The dog's owners never even apologized.

One of the many signs of our sick that dangerous animals are welcomed. Admired. Applauded when they show their most aggressive tendencies.

"Princess" and "Tony" killed a man.

These hideous beasts had to be muzzled...AT THE VET!

The Vet said that in order to deal with these horribly dangerous beasts, VALBONA LUCAJ and her deranged spawn had to help pin these animals to the wall. EVen then, the Vet was "only able to do a 15-second exam of the dogs because they were so aggressive.

"They were trying to bite through their muzzles."

The Vet marked, on the record book for each animal, the warning letters "DWB." That means: DOG WILL BITE.

The sub-human duo of VALBONA LUCAJ and SEBASTIANO QUAGLIATA could face "up to life" in prison. Which means, in this weak nation of dog lovers, this land of quick forgiveness on other peoples' pain and suffering, where the victim is always blamed...these scumbags will probably skate with a year or two. After all, they suffered enough...their poor doggies had to be "put down."

You can bet that most people reading about dirty immigrant filth VALBONA LUCAJ and SEBASTIANO QUAGLIATA are clucking their tongues: "Aw, they didn't have to kill the pooches. The pooches could've been rehabilitated with new, loving, caring owners. Awww, awww, the poor doggies!"

Some jogger suffering a grotesque and painful death? Dog lovers bark in unison: "FUCK HIM!" It was probably his fault for exciting the animals, right? Dog owners either tell you that their killer beast is just "a dumb animal" so beware. OR...they'll insist their dogs are "SO SMART," so in a case like this, "they figured the jogger had just run off with VALBONA LUCAJ's soiled panties, or SEBASTIANO's prize monkey wrench...or something." So the smart animals attacked.

The disgusting truth is that vicious dogs are an "amusement" to millions of people. MILLIONS own vicious dogs and train them to bark and growl. They are rewarded. GOOD DOG! The more noise they make, the more threatening the behavior, the better the dog OWNERS like it.

Ugh...jogging. Exercise. The guy who died was some poor excuse for a human being. A vicious 100 pound dog? WOW, what a wonderful, admirable monster...jaws like iron, teeth as sharp as needles, a natural born killer!

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