Friday, August 8, 2014

Peter Gabriel, Brian Eno & Roger Waters to unite for "SUPPORT ISIS & TERRORISM" CONCERT

Is that headline so far-fetched?

I don't think so. They've come out demanding sanctions against Israel...whining and crying about the poor Palestinians who elected HAMAS (the "let's kill all Jews" terrorist organization) to run Gaza. Why not raise money for Hamas and for Isis, too? Let's ignore the obvious. THE OBVIOUS:

Roger, Peter and Brian (and let's not forget Dizzy Desi the Toot...Penelope "Marble Mouth" Cruz...Selena "Pinhead" Gomez...) all believe that the best thing to do for World Peace is to stop trading with Israel. Don't buy one fucking Jaffa Orange from those Goddam Jews. And...don't sell them arms. Make them defenseless, so that Hamas can tunnel in and wipe every Goddam Jew out of their Holy Land. Then send the message to Muslims everywhere...Jihad against ALL JEWS EVERYWHERE.

That's what Peter Gabriel wants. Red Rain...Jewish blood.

Roger Waters wants it...another chip in the wall? No, knock down the wailing wall. Make the Jews wail for mercy, and NOT GET IT.

Brian Eno wants...somebody to notice him. Poor baby. His mouth is so lonely.

All these idiots have remained quiet on ethnic cleansing and ethnic conflicts everywhere else. Anyone upset over the Russians knocking that plane out of the sky a few weeks ago? Nah. Hey, Petey-Putin Gabriel didn't even raise his round head and wail a cry over Pussy Riot...fellow musicians jailed and persecuted. Nah. But Jews? Goddam JEWS? That's got Petey-Putin Gabriel's attention all right. Nevermind Darfur, Sudan, Nigeria, or the fact that a white tourist can get raped and killed very easily in Brazil or India. Forget Boko Haram. Ignore drug cartels, too, and the ruthless murders in Mexico. Why would rockers care about THAT when they need their pot and their coke so badly?

Now let me mention THIS to all you anti-Semites out there. The truth is, whether you happen to hate your fucking accountant or not, whether you don't like yappy Streisand-type accents, whether you don't like some asshole dressed up in a black coat with ugly side-curls...that's no reason to foment genocide of a people barely existing anymore...who lost SIX MILLION of their tribe just a few generations ago. I'm not crazy about MY fucking accountant. I'm repulsed by the sight of Orthodox Jews. I'm no fan of Streisand. But live and let live fer Christ's sake. You know, Christ, the JEW?

Because...Mr. Eno, Mr. Gabriel, Mr. Waters, and most especially Dizzy Desi the Toot...YOU ARE NEXT. YOU ARE NEXT. YOU CHRISTIANS ARE NEXT ON THE HIT LIST...


You're so fucking upset about Palestinian kids...used as human shields...dying in Gaza? How about non-Muslim kids being beheaded? Their mothers raped? Their fathers murdered? A fucking HOLY WAR because Muslims believe in in ALL better believe as WE DO.

These Muslims are so fucking crazy they kill their own. If you're a Shi'ite you'll be killed by a Sunni. And vice versa. What's going on in Syria, where there ain't no Jews to blame? They're killing kids there by the car load.

But instead of the big picture you insane anti-Semites target Israel and've created a climate where Jewish children are being killed. What happened in far-off Australia, that colostomy pouch of land nobody visits? A bunch of Aussies stormed a school bus to scare, harass, threaten...Jewish children. Why? Because of YOU idiots and your support of Hamas and your blame game.

Now it's coming. YOU are the targets. YOU. Every Mosque in England that replaces a Church, every Falafel stand that replaces a fish and chips joint...closer and closer. Your mansions will fall. Your gates will crash. Roger Waters beheaded. Peter Gabriel beheaded. Brian Eno beheaded. All the "hey, I denounced Israel" whining won't help you. Your wives, mistresses and daughters RAPED.

That's ISIS. That's HAMAS. That's dozens of other savage, insane Muslim terrorist groups popping up like pimples on this ass of a world.

Peter Gabriel demands that Cameron not do business with Israel. Sure. You want England to be cowardly. Like Denmark. Holland. Spain. All the other countries that have too many Muslims and are scared shitless. You secretly hope that the United States will do as it always has, and stand alone, and take all the abuse, and take 9/11 and buildings coming down for retribution. Well, don't count on it. Don't count on it, Peter Gabriel. America is currently on a mission to save CHRISTIANS trapped on a fucking mountain by Muslim terrorists. But America isn't made of money, like China or Putinville.

But don't think about it. Don't think at all. Just be what you are...drug-addled ignorant "rock stars" who have become rich off drug-addled audiences who don't even know your lyrics and only care about having some music to get high by.

I'd say hang your heads...but the Muslims are going to do that if you don't wake up. They'll HANG your fucking HEADS.

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