Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Nazi "Artists" Were Behind the "White Flag" ART Attack against NYC

You're not in "Fun City?"

Well, that saves you a LITTLE bit of aggravation...a few points on your blood pressure.

Here at Ground Zero (we were attacked before Washington, D.C. on 9/11) you never know what group of terrorists, anarchists, human monkeys or idiot assholes are going to go violent. You also don't know what crazy accident might happen...a suicide falling inches away from you on the sidewalk, a taxi hopping the curb and knocking off a leg, or just a random shit-for-brains doing a hilarious "sucker punch" and knocking you into next week. Yep, that's big fun around here...some black idiot standing on the sidewalk and suddenly going BIFF POW! It's a ghetto thang. You wouldn't understand. No robbery. Just let's see if you can be knocked cold with one punch. Har har.

So...the last thing needed in "Fun City" is some jerk like Banksy or some other "artist" with nothing better to point up how lax security can be, and how vulnerable people are to an attack. Banksy could've had a machine gun instead of a spray paint can. And a few weeks ago...somebody could've blown up the fucking Brooklyn Bridge instead of simply put a white flag on it.

For weeks...the question was who...and why? WHY? What did this mean? That NYC was surrendering? That the white flag was to make it easier for a bomber to fire a rocket and hit the bridge?

Some stoner asshole claimed HE did it, to promote weed being legalized in New York. But why a white flag, asshole, and not a green one, or one with a marijuana leaf on it? Jerk. Now it turns out, a pair of self-important Nazi "artists" have claimed responsibility. See, they have an idea that...

They have an idea...


OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE...SHOOT THE ARTISTS. I am so fucking SICK of "artists."

They don't have a job? They think they're being revolutionary by spray painting graffiti or hoisting a white flag or bringing in a bunch of idiots to block a road by being "human sculptures?"

Two weeks of paranoia and neurosis, and they come forward to "explain" their "message," and, oh yes, they'd like their flag back. I'm sure they they can sell it on eBAY or to a ridiculous museum for a small fortune.

I'm TIRED of "call attention to yourself" pretentious pretenders who do something immensely stupid, then mince forward and condescendingly tell the world that THEY are right, and EVERYONE ELSE is wrong, and THIS is ART, and THIS is a message...and next time, please pay us $100,000, sponsor our next project, put us on TV, make us the next Andy Fucking Warhol...

OK, Nazi Kraut have some stupid idea that bleaching a flag, or waving a flag, or whatever it creative? A statement? While children are being murdered all over the globe, and women subjugated and raped, and our very planet is crumbling due to fracking and pollution? YOU have a statement to make by putting a white flag on the Brooklyn Bridge? This is about as important as a white FAG walking ON the Brooklyn Bridge. WHERE ARE YOUR PRIORITIES, ART BOYS?

This is supposed to be a diversion? Culture? Entertainment? A white flag on the fucking Brooklyn Bridge?


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