Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Jimmy Carter: What's good for the Arabs is NOT to be allowed for JEWS

Jimmy Carter's contributions to anti-Semitism have been many, and over the years his support for Palestine and Arabs has been glaring, and usually at odds with United States policies.

Once of his most obnoxious remarks was to criticize Israel for wanting to be recognized as the Jewish homeland. 2,000 years of being kicked out of countries, persecuted, victimized by pogroms and Nazis...and Jews can't even be granted a sliver of sand called Israel?

Carter bashed Netanyahu as early as 2009, sneering: "He insists...that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, even though 20% of Israel’s citizens are not Jewish.”

On the one hand, Carter (and other maniacs) call Israel an "apartheid" nation that practices "genocide." Yet when it turns out that 20% of the population is peacefully embraced even though they aren't Jewish...THIS works against Israel!

By contrast, Carter's beloved Middle East is loaded with countries WHERE ISLAM IS THE OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION.

That's right. OFFICIAL. These are countries where you obey ISLAMIC law, OR ELSE:

Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia (the countries that surround Israel) as well as: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Comoros, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Somalia, Somaliland, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

And how many times have outbursts of "ethnic cleansing" decimated non-Muslims in those countries?

Yet Jimmy Carter doesn't think Israel deserves to be called a Jewish state. Semantics...and he's anti-Semitic. What's the big deal, Jimmy, between Israel calling itself a Jewish state?

Why aren't you screaming because England, for example, and Scotland, for example, acknowledge Christianity as their state religion?

And why, Jimmy, have you never sought to hold Jordan or Saudi Arabia accountable as "inhumane" for their policy of not allowing Jews at all?

Where was Jimmy Carter when a Jewish tennis player was denied...because of race/religion...being allowed to compete in a tournament in Dubai?

Carter's written many outrageously pro-Arab books. He's declared himself a Biblical scholar (he claims he memorized The Bible) and given speeches slanting passages to show that Jews are unreasonable and bigoted. Now his latest blatant assault is calling Israel "inhumane" while demanding Hamas terrorists be considered legitimate leaders....this at a time when Jews around the world are in peril from scapegoating.

The truth is so obvious...yet the hatred of Jews makes so many people blind. You expect it from ignorant people like Gary Oldman. He knows the heads of the movie studios, including SONY, are not run by Jews, yet he tossed out that line, "Jews run Hollywood." You just don't expect that a former world leader, an American, would be so reckless, stubborn and wrong. Most true Christians, including the Pope, acknowledge Judaism and the teachings in the Old Testament. Some even drop a hint that Jesus was a Jew. But Jimmy Carter never ceases to come up with things that are hurtful and hateful. The great blessing is that he is NOT the President anymore.

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