Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Meat-faced Moron MIKE DITKA - and why Americans are LOATHED

To my friends around the world (?) I say this:

I know that the name MIKE DITKA means NOTHING to you.

I just wish it meant NOTHING to ANYONE in AMERICA, too.

Ditka is the loudest voice for NOT changing the racist name "Washington REDSKINS"

He's being cheered by FARCEBOOK assholes...conservatives, "patriots of the "Tea Party," and other proudly arrogant and insensitive dimwits:

Mike Ditka is an ex-football player, big in Sheee-KAH-Go where English-speaking is difficult and his team the Chicago Bears is pronounced simply as "Da Bare-sssssss" with a very sibilant "S."

He became a coach, and naturally enough, one of the assholes with a microphone that you see yapping it up to the point where you can't concentrate on da game.

He played on the Chicago Bears, and against, among others, the Washington Redskins.

Why name a team REDSKINS??? Because Americans viewed Native Americans as Animals. Like Bears. Indians. Tigers.

You can understand this. As the British (er, the Americans who still spoke and acted like British) moved further and deeper into their new country, they encountered "savages."

These "savages" mostly didn't like intruders. And so America suffered decades of war until technology and the rifle won out against the "Indians" and their bows and arrows. Americans didn't feel all that much guilt or shame, any more than the British did in taking control over India or portions of Africa. Civilization, folks.

Morality aside, greed aside, one can understand why, in the days when John Wayne was hugely popular, a football team might be called the "REDSKINS." Another team was the Dallas Cowboys. It's just a game. And a lot of people admired the "savagery" of being REDSKINS. American kids played cowboys and Indians and there was no shortage for either side.

Got the sociology? Good. We move on.

If your team is named REDSKINS, it means you are likely to be vicious and horrible, and paint your face blood red and destroy your foes and even scalp them if you can. Scalping, by the way, is the act of ripping the flesh at the hairline, with a knife, often while the person is still alive. Aftger literally rrrrrripping the hair off the person's head, you have a pelt you can take away and show proudly, while your victim bleeds to death.


So we fast-forward through the 60's and 70's, to the present day. Along the way, "Negroes" decided they wanted to be called "Black." The American INDIANS (misnomer from when Columbus thought he had landed in India) decided they'd rather be called "Native Americans."

They did get their wish, mostly. But not all of their wish. They weren't happy with baseball teams...the stereotypical big-nosed red-faced Cleveland Indians mascot...the stereotypical music and "tomahawk chop" antics of the Atlanta Braves. And most certainly they were even more offended by the very name of football's "Washington Redskins."

The answer to them from TRUE Americans, not NATIVE Americans? The REAL Americans who took over the land? The reply is: "Oh fuck off." Or, "Back to the reservation, assholes."

The Tea Party and the rest of the conservatives that make America hated, are so intolerant of a bullied minority...they won't even let them see an end to the blatant racism and foolishness of a fucking football team calling themselves "Washington Redskins." A team, I might add, that is predominantly made up of BLACK SKINS. Only they would never, EVER be calling themselves the Washington Blackskins. And we all know why.

On FARCEBOOK and elsewhere, the bullying white morons of America are quick to smugly bully and laugh their way through this insult, and to stand behind the fat-faced burly symbol of American fatness, big Mike Ditka.

His surly, meat-head comments are probably being engraved in stone at this very moment:

Intolerance. That's America and The Tea Party. No shame. No decency. Certainly no "sensitivity," because THAT is the dirtiest word in America. To be "Sensitive" is to be some kind of faggot, and as the Tea Party teaches, "GOD HATES FAGS."

The logic...which middle-America, fat, stupid and white, doesn't that this is NOT a decision for Mike Ditka. Or for the owner of the Washington Redskins. There's NOTHING to decide. You correct a wrong, that's all.

Did Mike Ditka tell black people, "You stupid liberals need to shut up and stay NEGROES." No. Because blacks would've dismembered his big fat hulking body and made Philly cheesesteaks out of him. But Native Americans, disorganized and dispirited, can only ask. Beg. Plead. And get laughed at.

Who are YOU, Mr. Ditka, to tell Native Americans how they should feel? If they're offended and upset by the term "Redskin," why are you so arrogant and angry about it? You, a professional JOCK, should know that there's no fucking tradition behind the "Washington Redskins." None. Nothing that money can't change.

Professional sports teams have no loyalty. They move. The Washington Senators moved to Minnesota and became the Minnesota Twins. The Milwaukee Braves left to go to Atlanta. The Baltimore Colts moved to Indianapolis. A new team came in and called themselves the Baltimore Ravens. Name-changing and city-changing is part of the great American tradition called "FUCK YOU, WE'RE MAKING MONEY." A team owner can move a team out of town...a city can one day be rooting for the COLTS and next year the RAVENS, and YOU are upset? Upset because the reason isn't money but sensitivity to somebody else's feelings?

Yes, friends, this is why Americans are LOATHED. A term that is now blatantly being mindlessly argued and fought by the owner of the Washington Redskins...just as angrily as the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers fought with his girlfriend over allowing her to associate with black people. The irony is that ultimately the commissioner of basketball ruled that the owner had to sell the Clippers because he was a racist bastard and what he did was not good for sports or for the American way.

Hopefully the commissioner of football will KICK ASS, and that includes fat-faced Mike Ditka and the creep who owns the Washington Redskins...and end the hurt...and give Native Americans back a small, small measure of pride.

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