Sunday, August 24, 2014

EMPTY TV AWARDS: Check Out What They Whore

Do you remember when MTV first arrived? The idea was to promote the music.

It didn't take long for MTV to degenerate into Mindless Trivial Vomit.

Instead of the music, the emphasis quickly went to "fashion," and that included everything from idiot guys with glue in their hair (Flock of Seagulls) to brainless sluts parading around in garbage bags (Total Coelo). Once in a while fashion and music successfully collided (Annie Lennox) but not often.

And as the music industry turned a darker shade of turd, it became more and more about how surly the gangstas could look as they made their moronic finger gestures and bared their metal "grillwork" teeth...and how utterly whorish and slutty a Li'l Kim or Viley Virus could look.

Check out what they sang? No, they don't sing. They vocoder their voices or just shout and whine. So it's "Check Out..." the outfits on these monkey-women who mostly look like they have every STD a $20 whore could have and still stand up without hobbing or attracting seagulls and rats.

Remember when the ideal of beauty was Linda Ronstadt? Stevie Nicks? As awful as most of her music was, at least Olivia Newton-John was cute. Nobody had fake tits. If the make-up was tawdry, it was because David Bowie or Mick Jagger was wearing it. And is there NO way of keeping Kim Kunt Trashian out of sight? No. She gets around faster than the Ebola virus...and is even more deadly.

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