Monday, August 25, 2014

Let's TITTER about going TOPLESS

"It isn't just homosexuals who hate women," Mr. Ernest Gebler wrote, "NOBODY likes them."

That's a line from his book, later spoken by Peter Sellers in the film version. Check out "Hoffman" sometime.

The title character was driven to near madness by "precious mammary fat," and by the teasing tarts who tormented him just for the fun of showing off.

Do you know what a popular legal definition of obscenity is? It's "exciting prurient interest." In other words, calling attention to sexuality when a person is not prepared for it or wanting it. By that definition, going topless is obscene. In fact, wearing a slutty outfit is just as obscene. One reason women are hated, is because they tease. They mince around demanding that everybody stare at them...when they don't put out.

All they want is for everybody's head to turn. They want everybody's attention. Nobody's telling 'em to paint their faces up and spend hours at the beauty parlor, and turn every record store into a fucking Nail Salon. They do it because it's part of their nefarious nature.

And in case you missed it, yesterday was "GO TOPLESS DAY." As usual, this event was NOT well-publicized before it happened. It was in the news today as "ha ha ha, YOU MISSED we'll show you some teasy, censored pictures of a few obnoxious sluts..."

Pretty irritating and lame, huh? What was the point?

The point was for a bunch of sniggering bitches to say, in essence, LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH, HA HA HA HA.

Or, in the case of the only attractive one, mostly likely, LOOK...BUT IF YOU WANT MORE, PAY FOR IT.

Here's the truth. Guys hate to be TEASED just as much as women hate to be taunted with come-ons when they walk down the street. It's part of the worst and most unfair and obnoxious warfare in the battle of the sexes.

Technically, it's LEGAL to go topless in New York City. All that stops women from doing the razzing, whistling, and dirty suggestions they get if they do. And they deserve it. Because it excites prurient interest.

The STUPIDEST thing about the fake issue of "going topless" is that "men and women both have breasts." No, aside from some fat guys, it's only WOMEN who have breasts, and certainly only WOMEN who have sexy boobs. They're called "secondary sexual characteristics," and they're hanging off women's chests primarily to arouse men. Flat-chested women give as much milk as big-breasts ones, so that ain't it. The other factor is that women tend to be much more aroused by having their nipples sucked then men are. Women's breasts are...SEXUAL, much more than men's.

Our society keeps SEXUAL areas OUT of view because it's the right thing to do. It's distracting otherwise, to put it mildly.

Most women, of course, wouldn't think of going topless even on a private 500 acre estate. Because they don't want their precious boobs to sag or get sunburned. Because they don't want to wipe sweat from underneath, or worry about the growth of bacteria.

The truth is that NOBODY should go topless. I know...when you're 16, 18, you think how COOL it would be, and why shouldn't we all see naked flesh on the street, and if nothing else, duck into an alley for a quick wank. The answer, as you mature, is that some things should be private. Some things you should look forward to. Just as when you're a kid, you think it would be great to eat nothing by candy bars and sodas all day...when you're an adult, you realize that having a dessert once in a while makes it a treat...and it's better to keep it that way.

Look at these stupid women. One of them is obviously a whore. She probably is upset that she wasn't mentioned by name all over the Internet, the better to start her porn career or make money without using Craig's List.

Otherwise, what do you have? A few skanky teases? The kind who can't compete unless they're naked? The kind of nitwits who get a kick out of having minority men stare at their long as that's all they can do?

Most odious are the ugly fat pigs who use the day to make everyone sick...and the obnoxious bints who DON'T go all the way but put little coy pasties on, and sashay around like they're stars.

And who goes to these events? Frankly, even if the event was publicized, most guys wouldn't bother. Why give aid and comfort to the enemy? Why go someplace and stare haplessly, or cheer stupidly, just so women can feel superior?

Years ago, Bill Cosby lampooned going to strip shows where some bitch is "throwing her nasty underwear around." Why go? "It makes about as much sense," he said, "as standing in front of a bakery window when you're a diabetic. Why do you want to torture yourself? Why look at something you're NOT gonna get?"

So the event mostly attracts desperate obese "photographers," who will go jerk off to the pictures once they get home. Few men would go and be part of a pathetic mob of idiots staring at titties as if they've never seen a pair and can't go watch a movie at home. So the other big group of men at the event are the grim members of the media who HAVE to cover it. They don't want to be at this stupid non-event; they'd rather listen to the police radio and race off to get dramatic footage of an accident. What they want is to be the only one at the scene, and the only one to get the iconic reaction of a victim or horrified onlooker that will get them the cover of TIME Magazine.

What's the soundtrack for the pictures above? "Look at that STUPID GIRL" more than "Wonderful World." More "Ah, look at all the lonely people."

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