Friday, August 15, 2014

IRELAND hits JEWS over the head with SHELLELAGH

"Don't be tellin' us about that Jewish mayor of Dublin, me Jewish dearios..."

Begorrah! Blarney-stone the Jews! Ireland hates the Jews! Fuck off, JEWS!


Amazing, isn't it? I don't recall Israel carrying on about Ireland's terrorism...Ireland's shooting of British people...Ireland's genocidal notions over who, besides CATHOLICS, should be allowed to live in Northern or Southern or Eastern or Western Ireland.

NEVER could you imagine Israel declaring: "We will NOT allow the importing of Irish goods...those motherfuckers are 100% WRONG and England is being victimized!"

Mind your own fucking business you drunken leprechaun assholes.

The latest anti-Semitic for the nations of the world, who hate Jews and blame Jews for causing all Muslim terrorism everywhere on the planet, to boycott Israel.

David Harris, executive director of the "American Jewish Committee" will have his hands full. He's been documenting this pernicious new wave of hatred, ever since a group of creeps called the "American Studies Association" voted to boycott Israeli universities some time ago.

He wrote to the NY Times in December of 2013: "no other country in the world - not Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan or any other serial human rights violator - has been the object of such a boycott by this group."

When he asked the group's president, Curtis Marez, the man said: "one has to start somewhere." Oh. So start with the Jews. Mr. Harris added, "If Israel is so anathema...they will extend the boycott beyond Israeli universities to everything Israeli..."

And see what's happened.

We all know that when it comes to improving and benefiting mankind, JEWISH contribution vs MUSLIM contribution is 500-1. Jewish doctors. Jewish inventors. Jewish entertainers. Jewish businessmen making the world go 'round. Considering how much of a minority Jews are...they positively dominate when it comes to achievement and intelligence. Not many Jews fumbling about on welfare, or going out and murdering people because God told them to, or carrying on that you must convert OR ELSE. Jews really don't give a shit what YOU believe...that's the Muslim brand of insanity.

Israeli contributions? As Mr. Harris points out, "computer laptops, cellphones...lifesaving medical technology and pharmaceuticals (are) among many Israeli cotributions to advancing the frontiers of human knowledge and development."

What has Ireland done for the world? Lately they seem to rest their tottering economy on tourism (mostly from Irish-American potato heads). They export alcoholic beverages? Woolen scarves? Sinead O'Connor albums?

I'd like the Prime Minister of Ireland to condemn the racist behavior of Irish businessmen in this boycott.

Can you imagine TESCO announcing, "We are no longer going to import..." some foreign product, because the fucking manager is a racist? Nevermind whether it's Israeli oranges or Norway sardines. It's outrageous that some group of idiots can declare a boycott like this.

Peter Gabriel and Dizzy Desi the Toot and Roger Waters scream "genocide" and "apartheid" and they'd be the first to approve of doing just those long as it's to a country they don't like. Yeah, Palestine...keep up your genocide in killing Jews. Yeah, Saudi Arabia, keep up your apartheid in refusing to let Jews emigrate!

IRELAND leads the way in saying DEATH TO THE JEWS. Begorrah. Well, sure, IRELAND can get away with it. If IRELAND said "Boycott Hamas," Irishmen would be bombed...not getting drunk...getting killed by Muslim terrorist raids. See, Israel is somehow being pointed to as the aggressors who use violence to get what they want. But that's what's going on with the Muslims, and Isis and Boko Haram and the rest.

Israel hasn't pushed the borders of Egypt or Jordan, or tried to expand to get the oil riches in neighboring countries. Nobody's bothering to ask, "Gee, if Israel is so rotten, how come they get along with Egypt and Jordan?"


Oh Danny Boy, the pipe bombs, the pipe bombs are kill some kill some Jews my friend...and when you do, oh please oh please kill more of them...oh NO MORE JEWS...oh what a happy end!"

Ireland, I wish you the immigration of Muslims. You love 'em so much? They will turn your Emerald Isle into sandboxes and mosques. They will blow up your pubs and rape your fair-complexion lasses. They will intimidate you so much you won't DARE take a drink, for fear you'll be beheaded as you wobble down the street.

Holland found out. Theo Van Gogh was killed. The more Muslims a country has, the more fearful that country becomes. "Oh, pardon us, go ahead, cloak yourselves in burkas. Conceal weapons. Demand deadly serious attention to every Muslim holy day. You want us to teach the children not to eat pork...of course! You are offended by Irish jigs? We'll stop playing them. Whatever you want..."

All Israel wants is for terrorists to stop invading, tunneling and firing missiles from Gaza...a scrawny, stupid little sliver of sand that MUSLIMS are using for evil purposes. The moderate Arab countries of Jordan and Egypt do not war with Israel and Israel does not war with them. IRELAND, are you too drunk and stupid to UNDERSTAND?

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