Wednesday, August 27, 2014

LeAnn Rimes Raped by the Asshole PC POLICE. FUCK YOU TROLLS!

When I read that LeAnn Rimes had told tasteless rape jokes...

...I thought she'd told tasteless rape jokes. SHE HADN'T.

And here I was, ready to hear a good tasteless rape joke! Why not? There's a time and a place for most every kind of sick joke. George Carlin would agree, but more on him, and on rape humor, in a minute.

Look, assholes and cunts of the world, "rape" is not a taboo word. Stop gasping and clucking if it's used by somebody other than a stern newscaster reporting on a crime.

Christ, what a NON-STORY. It happened on a Joan Rivers show, fer Chrisssake. If there's EVER a place to relax, lower the inhibitions, and be frank and's opposite JOAN RIVERS.

Naturally this idiot story has to quote social media retards. (Excuse me, Down Syndrome-types!)

Quoting a few uptight trolls means that the world is outraged over something LeAnn Rimes says? Who the fuck even CARES that much about Leann Rimes in the first place?

I sure as hell don't. I don't know the bitch from Carrie Underwood. Or Trisha Yearwood. Or a piece of wood.

The fact that a woman can make a rape remark...that in itself tends to mean IT'S OK.

And again, it wasn't even a "rape joke."

George Carlin rightly said that it's bullshit to insist rape can't be funny. "It can't?" snarled George. "Picture Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd!"

Now if you want an example of a real "rape joke" that IS offensive, I've got one for you. There was a weatherman on ABC's local affiliate in New York named Tex Antoine. No, he didn't have a Southern accent. He was actually sort of effete, with a professorial kind of delivery. Delivering the weather was a boring job, and after 20 or more years, the guy was apparently prone to having a few drinks before he went on the air.

Which doesn't excuse what he said.

His segment came up following a news report about a rape. Antoine ad-libbed an atrocious segue into his weather report, by saying, "Confucius say...if rape is inevitable, lie back and enjoy it!"

Maybe that would've been ok in a nightclub, coming from the mouth of a bawdy old bag comedienne like Belle Barth, but it certainly was NOT, in ANY way, an acceptable thing to say on a newscast. It was the end of Tex Antoine.

The Tex Antoine anecdote is an example of tastelessness. What LeAnn Rimes said was just adult conversation...and too bad some childish, petulant, sour, stupid trollish idiots made a big thing out of it.

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