Monday, August 4, 2014


There was a time when the entire Bronx was called "The Bronx Zoo."

The Daily News wants to see those days return. After all, the Bronx is now predominantly black and Latino, and if they want to act like zoo animals...let them! And Brooklyn. And Queens, too.

Poo on "civilization." Poo on "quality of life." In fact, Poo on the streets! Why not?

The Daily News, perhaps catering to the overpopulation of blacks and Latinos that led to a corrupt hack named DeBlasio being mayor (he of the black wife and two black children), figures that common courtesy and manners is beyond the average New Yorker these days. That is, the average New Yorker that doesn't live in Manhattan and read The New York Times and knows enough not to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.

Oh those poor Blacks and Latinos, they are being forced to act like human beings. Oh, the shame of it! Look look! The stats show that the people who don't know how to behave...are the most likely to get a ticket for their bad behavior! How criminal!

What you always hear from these insensitive but sensitive types, is "Hey, why are the cops busy writing tickets when they should be out catching murderers?"

It might be that there aren't that many murderers. That the murderers who ARE around, are minorities who hide in the bowels of the projects where hostile gang leaders make it difficult for cops to make an arrest. Meanwhile, what do we see every day? People murdering and raping? No, people riding their bikes on the sidewalks, letting their dogs shit all over the place, and drunken disgusting bastards pissing and spitting and frightening children.

"Ignore quality of life," the Daily News seems to be saying, "especially if it involves minority groups who don't know any better. What's wrong with dodging some spitting cursing asshole careening his bicycle on a sidewalk, endangering the life of the old or the young?"

In the old days, the idea was "assimilation." Some moron from the South, some asshole from Uruguay, came to New York City, learned to speak English properly, learned some manners, got a job, and became a credit to the community. Now? Now the monkeys of the world demand to STAY the monkeys of the world...shit where they please, jabber without making sense, and show no manners or consideration for anyone. Guess what, Daily News, you'll have to raise your price to $1.50 then $2.00 and then go out of business entirely.

Yes, you'll be out of business because the lowlife scum you cater to are procreating and immigrating faster and faster, to the point where their spawn won't be able to read. Not in English, anyway. So much for YOUR quality of life, Daily News staffers. And when you're on your way to the unemployment office, I hope you slip on some shit, and then get run over by a gorilla on a bicycle.

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