Tuesday, August 5, 2014

If Minorities Commit The Most Crime - Stop Arresting Them!

The Daily News in New York has a good idea. If Blacks and Latinos commit the most crime...stop arresting them. That's only fair.

The benefits? Less of them in jail. Less money coming in for the fines they pay. They get to stay home and make babies.

Something like that.

This is how it is all over America. Deny the obvious, child. The obvious is that people who come from a culture of ignorance, and those who grow up belligerent and bellicose and prefer dropping out of school in favor of "hanging out," will be the maggots and parasites of society. Who is going to be arrested for public urination or being drunk on the street? Try as you might, if you sent 1,000 cops into white neighborhoods, you might catch five people. Send five cops into a black neighborhood, you catch a thousand.

The answer? Stop arresting. Like the repeal of "stop and frisk," which was the one campaign issue that got hack politician Bill "Warthog Head" DeBlasio elected. Stopping thugs, gangstas and niggas to check for weapons? Terrible idea. Let 'em alone to do their thing.

To his credit DeBlasio is defending the "quality of life" arrests...because he has to. He kicked out the "stop and frisk" police chief and installed his own...a guy who embarrassingly believes in "quality of life" arrests. Some think that clamping down on jerks who can't behave will teach them manners. Nah. Dat be racist. The Daily News might offer the usual pie-in-the-sky solutions, like "we need more schools" (that these people won't attend) or "bilingual education" (which the Latinos will refuse) or millions of bucks for social workers (who will end up raped or murdered).

And so it goes.

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