Monday, August 18, 2014

MONKEY PEOPLE...are supposed to be amusing?

Monkey people are...amusing? That's what the tabloids think...

When you go to a news website just to check if you should be hiding in the basement or running like a dog in the get front page "entertaining" items like this shit:

Black garbage and white trash.

Are you laughing? No, neither am I. Maybe SOMEBODY out there is leaving the usual lamebrain comment: "LMAO" and "You can't make this up," but it's just a sign Darwin was wrong. And I already know it.

For out-of-towners, the biggest news of the past week is that some lethal-looking black "man" was shot in Ferguson, some armpit town in Missouri (ie, Misery).

He was, what, already a robbery suspect? Already had a rap sheet? Skulking around looking for trouble?

The point is, you ain't supposed to do anything when glowering assholes with Kanye West anus-lips spit and grumble and look like they're about to kill you. You just doff your cap and say, "Good day, Oh Much-Maligned African-American who we should feel sorry for."

Like every other minority group that doesn't get everything they want. (Except Jews, of course.)

So every now and then one of them gets shot. Unjustly, probably, but let's be honest...the odds are in favor of this, because they deliberately challenge the cops, they love to tuck a gun-like object in their belt (or something that looks like a knife handle but is actually a comb) and they love to turn their heads, shout something obscene and racist, and then pretend it wasn't them. Nah. Never them. So they provoke...and once in a while, get shot for it.

That's the big news in America. Yawn, yawn. But it IS a good excuse for these people to break into stores, riot, and take television sets and laptops they can sell on eBay.

These people walk around with their t-shirts that say "No Justice No Peace," but what they really do is rush out as soon as there's a tragic incident, and loot and riot like it's the Fourth of July. Wheeee! Get me a Tee-VEEEEEE!"

Now, here's another item today that is supposed to amuse and not enrage.

It's a stupid white woman who married a black guy, spawned a monster bitch...and gee, guess what...the bitch and her boyfriend killed her.

What do we learn from this? Nothing, because white women are supposed to marry black guys, just to prove the stereotype is wrong. They are good providers. They don't knock you up and leave. They don't impregnate you with the seed of Satan.

Nevermind. Bye bye white lady. Now we're concerned because the black guy doesn't like his Fried Chicken jailhouse food.

Robin Williams pulled the plug, almost literally. After all, what was he facing? Being out in public surrounded by jerkoffs calling him "Mork" and demanding he stop and pose for a photo? Shit-for-brains psychos asking him for money? Dumbass fools punching him in the shoulder and telling him they just can't WAIT for him to dress up in arduous, humiliating drag for "Mrs. Doubtfire Part Two?" Oooh, what artistic satisfaction in ALL of that.

Best thing is to never get on the Internet, have enough money to never have to go out...and to have a trusted employee or wife or friend or spawn to pre-check your mail, run your errands, and when the REAL horror comes, let you know "The Muslims are on their way...time to get out while there's still time."

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