Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Chris-Goes-Troll and Torments Zelda Williams on Twitter

It's a surprise, and then again, it isn't.

People die, and assholes make jokes about it. Go back to 9/11, and maybe you'll remember the infamous photo-joke where each person taking a dry-dive from the inferno of the buildings was "graded" like the Olympics. This leaping body, gets a 10. That one belly-flops a 4. Har har har.

And so it is, that the Internet bullies got their jollies by tormenting Robin Williams' daughter Zelda

And what had Zelda done? She had taken the time to actually Tweet something for Robin's fans and for herself. She posted a quote from "The Little Prince," which I'm sure gave comfort to a lot of people. She added that she'd look up in the heavens, and look for the star...that signaled her Dad might be there, watching. It was very sweet.

So she got "bad comments." And had to run from "social media."

Frankly, I was surprised. For a moment.

Just as I was surprised Robin killed himself. For a moment. Then I thought...well, yeah, that's NOT such a surprise.

No, not a surprise that someone as manic and unstable as Robin Williams...with his history of drug and alcohol problems...the very obviousness of his desperate comic persona...would be that sad and depressed. No, not a surprise that any show of tenderness on the Internet, as Zelda showed, would attract "The Spoilers"

I use a term from the old "Gunsmoke" radio show. Marshall Dillon, the announcer said every week, was protecting Dodge City from "...the spoilers."

It's been part of human nature since man first crawled out of the swamp...or since "Allah" created terrorists. Whatever you want to believe in...Darwin or Radical Islam.

There are destructive, cruel people in the world. Thoughtless, selfish, stupid people in the world.

Those of us who care about musicians and copyright witnessed "the spoilers" arrive with the first free blogs. With their R. Crumb cartoons and their pinheaded selfishness, they decided to "share" the music by grand larceny. They were throwing every single album they could find onto the Internet to get praise for themselves...and money from Rapidshare and others who offered "royalties" and free accounts. And they made sure to sneer, spit, and even terrorize ANYONE who told them not to do it.

I remember how they even came after innocent people who they merely THOUGHT had said or done something they didn't like. They were advocating "find out where he lives...get him." And what did these black hearted brats fall back on? "My father hit me" and "Make use of the time you have left" and "we like free music, har har har." Some, with English a second language, couldn't articulate anything except to curse. So they did.

So Zelda Williams has fled "social media," while The Great Google shrugs, and YouTube is loaded with people making money off illegal clips of Robin Williams, and "clever" people splicing Robin's cursing in stand-up to create talking cats or "rap videos" or whatever the fuck else they like to do.

Sick world. "The INTERNET...what a concept."

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