Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams vs The Mrs. Doubtfires & Bad Will Cunting Jerks of Social Media

Any time there's a celebrity accident or suicide, the assholes of SOCIAL MEDIA turn it into a disgusting circus.

They have to Tweet their birdbrained gossip, go on Farcebook, take to the forums and blogs...and cluck their fucking idiocy.

While normal people recall the deceased with fond memories, or express shock and sadness, the MRS. DOUBTFIRES prefer to spread rumors of conspiracy or cast blame: "Why didn't his WIFE prevent this? Why didn't he take the right drugs? Where were his friends?"

The Bad Will Cunting jerks just tell awfully unfunny jokes and then, as if they're all "in the business" and professional stand-ups, wink and reply to all criticism: "Too SOOOOOON?"

The man killed himself.

Is it really so difficult for pea-brains and trailer trash to understand what happened? Obviously, the man had problems. Obviously, the man had enough money to get the best treatment (and in fact, went into rehab just last month).

Dig a little deeper and the news comes out that he had heart surgery a few years ago. That's depressing. Also: he had to work very hard on some very stupid projects to pay "support" to the two women he's divorced from. That's depressing, too. You could add any number of other factors...boredom, feeling he wasn't going to get any satisfying role anytime soon, feeling sad over age and death (his mentor and idol Jonathan Winters died least year). There's also simple plain ol' depresssion. It can be a natural melancholia. It can be some chemical thing that takes over at times and can be overwhelming until the clouds lift. It's complicated.

Depression is a crushing feeling that nothing is any good, there's no hope, no enjoyment in anything...and it can be a struggle to find the right drugs and lifestyle to combat it. Are people so insensitive that they have never felt sadness, never felt hurt, and can't even imagine what it must be like if that emotion is ramped up 10 times in strength and won't go away day after week after month?

Meanwhile, ASSHOLES in Social Media gripe that they won't get to see a sequel to "Mrs. Doubtfire" (ugh, something Williams probably decided he'd rather be dead than do...it was supposed to be his next project). They sourly whine, as stupid fans always do, that if THEY knew Robin Williams THEY could've saved him. No, if THEY knew Robin Williams he would've killed himself SOONER.

Some cruelly said "No big loss, never liked his annoying shit." Which ain't the point. Who cares, Hans Zinhof Pinhead of Sweden, what YOU think? You're a troll who figures everyone who doesn't amuse you should drop dead. But nobody should say the same about YOU.

Of all people, Dick Smothers (straight man to his brother Tom, in the now-retired Smothers Brothers comedy team) said it best. While not addressing the jerks who posted jokes...nothing you can say to trolls...he addressed all the morons who were blaming Robin Williams or his circle of friends and relatives:

This I believe.

Friends cannot save a person suffering from depression, alcoholism or any other isms they might have. It's an inside job and when one is so depressed the last thing that will help them, I believe, are friends and family nagging him, pushing him or pleading with him to get better and seek help. No matter how gently you say it it may sound like you are shouting at them and nagging at them and not minding your own business etc. etc. You may be so gentle and loving, but they may not hear it that way. The depressed person is not stupid and is not an idiot. They know they are depressed and can see no way out at any given time. They are sick. One cannot predict with any certainty who will beat their depression, alcoholism or drug addiction. We can just love them and remember that they are sick. With the best of medical help results are not guaranteed.

By the way, I am not immune and none of us are.

Now that I've got that off my chest, I'm going to get on my bike and go out and have a great day. Thank you God!

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