Sunday, August 10, 2014

Jew-haters Peter Gabriel and Roger Waters sing: "The Kids Are Alright"

Brian Eno will be producing Peter Gabriel and Roger Waters' new duet, "The Kids Are Alright," which will be a music video guest-starring members of ISIS.

ISIS terrorists will be shown torturing and beheading Christian kids. That's alright.

Roger Waters figures it's alright of Christian kids are killed by Muslims. It's only when Palestinian kids are accidentally knocked off by Israeli missiles that he cares. The man who loves putting a Star of David on a PIG...can then go on his Hitler rants, winking at the "Final Solution" being the end of Israel...which would be the beginning and the end of all Jews everywhere.

As with the children of Syria, Nigeria and Iraq...and everyplace else where there are NO JEWS...Peter and Roger don't give a shit about the children in Iraq. Killing kids is alright.

Peter and Roger (and Desmond Tutu) don't consider it "ethnic cleansing" when a terrorist group storms into a country, takes it over, and starts beheading children of another race.

You see, Peter and Roger only get upset when it involves Israel. They wake up out of their drug stupor ONLY when there's news of a Palestinian accidentally killed while being used as human shields by HAMAS terrorists. Then they can call for genocide and apartheid against, starving Israel by petitioning that nobody buys or sells to them.

To Roger and Peter the ratio of Palestinians killed vs Israelis killed proves Israel should be punished. Nevermind that in most wars, there are on-sided casualty figures. British soldiers in the Falklands? America smacking Afghanistan? Stupid people who have the nerve to take on a major power get what they asked for.

No question, if the news was: "Palestinians kill 1000 Israelis, only suffer 10 casualties," Roger Waters would jump for joy. If hundreds of Israeli children lay dead...he'd let 'em lie. He wouldn't even say, "Gee, war isn't very nice." War IS nice if Jews are the ones being killed.

The truth is simply that Israel has the technology to create an anti-missile shield. Palestine prefers human shields. Muslims are in the martyrdom business. They overpopulate like mad, and are more than willing to sacrifice a few.

What should be going on, is that Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters, anti-Semitic blob Alexei Sayle and turtle-faced Dizzy Desi the Toot, and the rest, should be petitioning the U.N. to negotiate acceptable boundaries and behavior for Gaza, not insisting one country is 100% to blame and should be wiped out. What happened to the British view, that after they stopped their invasion of a country and decided to return the land, the Palestinians and Israelis should share?

Why don't Peter Gabriel and Roger Waters want Palestine and Israel to share land and work out boundaries? Because they hate Jews and don't want to hear anything else. They especially don't want to hear that Hamas only wants to obliterate Israel so they will always literally push the boundaries, as well as fire missiles and tunnel to get to Israel playgrounds and schools." This drug-addled progrock idiots Gabriel and Waters would rather believe that every truce was broken by Israel, and every refusal to negotiate or cease firing was all Israel's fault The truth is more the reverse.

Look around you, Roger and Peter. What religion is blowing people up all over the globe, causing people to have to strip at airports and throw their shampoo bottles in the trash? What religion gets lethal if you even MENTION their imaginary friend in a song? Ask Veronique Sanson, author of "Allah," you fucking assholes. Ask her.

The real answer to this problem is for the U.N. to set up rules, create a zone between Gaza and Israel that is neutral, and rigorously patrol and prevent escalation of violence. Peter "Red Rain" Gabriel would rather see Jewish blood pour like Borscht. Rather than any "Wall," Roger "Pink Floyd Pinko" Waters would rather see genocide against Israel. He figures Palestine should take over all the land because Palestinians say they are Muslims and entitled to it and what Allah says goes!

Nevermind "Intolerance." One of the first full length movies ever made was called "Intolerance," and its point was that THIS was the ruination of mankind. Muslims do not want to tolerate Jews. They also don't want to tolerate Christians. Anybody doubt it? Well, look how long it took people to understand that Hitler and Mussolini were up to no good.

The U.N. should right now be joining America in blowing ISIS to bits, and stating "Sic Semper Tyrannis." NOBODY should be committing ethnic cleansing. But the reality is that nobody's stopping Putin. Might makes right. Even if ISIS is routed, look at what's going on in Syria. How fragile is the situation between Kurds and Turks? What's the next insanity in Africa? How about the Latinos storming the border into America because nobody cares about the drug cartels in Mexico, Colombia, Paraguay or Brazil?

Ha ha ho ho hee hee. The same way copyright owners have been overwhelmed, to the point where almost nobody can make even a part-time job out of books, music or films, the world has given up to the Hans Dementeds. It's whack-a-mole. Quash one terrorist group and another pops up, just like Pirate Bay is still around, and Demonoid returns, and various asshole bloggers never quit. What happened with music (and then film and book piracy) is just a microcosm of the greed, self-entitlement and "blogfather" power games you see in the world. When there's more at stake than giving away the entire Beach Boys catalog on a blog...when it involves owning a country, controlling land and oil...things just get much, much more lethal.

Do you suppose Gabriel or Waters care about their music being pirated all over the place? Nah, they ARE the lucky ones who made most of their money before the Internet arrived, and they still have addled older fans to go see them perform live. So they can afford to indulge in their anti-Semitism, and not see the bigger picture. Which is that when you get away with breaking the law, there's only going to be more of it. ISIS came about because they saw HAMAS getting away with it. They figured they could take it even further. They got too big and so they are momentarily being slapped down. By one nation. Which is like "Boxing Guru" getting too bold and being slapped down by PIPCU. Fine, but dozens of other illegal streams remain and thrive. And so it goes. Cue the Barry McGuire song...

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