Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The fate of America is in the hands of a few black women, it seems...ones who figure Africa and its EBOLA pose no threat. Same way AIDS didn't come crawling out of Africa to murder hundreds of thousands of people, and leave many more with compromised immune systems and the potential for croaking any day.

Somebody with EBOLA in Africa? "Come on over here...come here! You're more than welcome!"

Not only that, but let's keep a very lax policy on air travel between Africa and America. Hell, you've got business in AFRICA? Checking up on the shipments of drugs and illegal exotic animal pelts? Checking on the female circumcisions and if the Boko maniacs are still hiding schoolgirls well enough not to be detected? Lots of GOOD reasons to go to AFRICA. Maybe it's time to give an oil and lube job to Dizzy Desi Tutu's asshole so it can continue spewing anti-Israel lies.

See, that's the way it is...Tutu is ok for saying that Israel is a genocidal nation full of apartheid. But let's not note that Africa is very hostile to Whitey coming in and doing anything but giving crazed war lords some money and looking the other way when there's rape, kidnap, or Somali pirates on the loose.

City government is mostly black. So here's the leader of the health department telling the world that Africa is perfectly safe, and if there's an outbreak of Ebola (which could spread very fast given the eight million people squished into a tiny area), oh, it'll be handled. Not to worry, m'dears...

Whoopi Goldberg, who seems to have elected herself the new elder stateswoman of TV, now that Barbara Walters is gone, instantly sat her gigantic butt on any talk of a DEADLY DISEASE being DANGEROUS.

See, Whoopi, famous for making an awful lot of very bad movies (the odds mean one or two were good), is an authority on disease. She's done her "homework."

She's just come out swinging at Donald Trump, who declared that it might be wise to STOP allowing African idiots to come strolling into America carrying every kind of death-producing cootie imaginable. Oh, that racist Donald Trump. Just because Africa gave the world AIDS...why be mean and not let them gift the world with EBOLA, too?

Whoopi clucks her turkey tongue and says "Do your homework," Don. EBOLA is NOTHING. Why, it can ONLY be passed through bodily fluids. No way an epidemic can be caused by that. Take AIDS. Ooops.

Lastly, there's an interesting thing about diseases. They mutate. That's why there's no cure for the common cold. Anyone want to state, under penalty of death, that there won't be a strain of EBOLA that can be spread through coughing, a handshake or the preparation of food?

Why not tell all the referees of boxing matches to take off those silly rubber gloves? A boxer who MIGHT have AIDS or EBOLA just MIGHT spread it by an open cut splashing some blood onto a ref's hands? How illogical. Maybe Whoopi, or this black heath official who runs NYC, should let the referees know that they're being...foolish.

While Dizzy Desi Tutu happily grins his old fat turtle face and signs petitions calling for the world to shun Israel, strip Israel naked, don't allow Israel any weapons, don't allow Israel any trade agreements...it would be SO racist to suggest that people shun Africa, land of AIDS, and NOT let them ship their EBOLA all over the world.

Got it? I mean, EBOLA? You just might. But isn't it better to be called deceased rather than racist?

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