Friday, August 15, 2014

FOX NEWS tries to FUCK GENE SIMMONS on "Depression" and "Immigration"

Americans probably don't realize the London Daily Mail is NOT a real newspaper.

There are tabloids in England that could be taken seriously here. AND vice versa.

FOX NEWS is notorious in America. Everybody knows it's an extremely biased tool of the right wing. They rake their muck. They slant their "journalism." They are full of shit.

And yet, I've noticed a big rumble through the "social media" world of morons, because...oooh...ooooh...they read a headline and DON'T actually READ the article.

Here's the FOX NEWS website trumpeting that heartless GENE SIMMONS is telling people to kill themselves, and ooooh ooooh, he's spitting on Robin Williams' grave, isn't he? Isn't he using the Robin Williams suicide to spout his hard, nasty opinions?

Oh, and that rich Jew bastard Gene Simmons ALSO has nasty things to say about the poor immigrants. Oh, oh, OH!

What FOX NEWS didn't mention is that they took his quotes out of context.

What FOX NEWS didn't mention is they are hacks who just went to other websites for their "news," and the quotes about depression and suicide were NOT recent, and had NOTHING to do with Robin Williams.

First off, let's read that "immigrants" thing, stolen off Entertainment Weekly (well, the "hot link" means EW will get some pennies or earn more ad dollars by boasting about "traffic" and "hits"). Anyone object? I don't.

SPEAK ENGLISH. That's not asking much. Who needs the headache of babble in foreign languages? The government WASTE in having to print up documents in dozens of languages because lazy arrogant fucks come here and don't have the brains or manners to learn English? Who wants to waste the TIME in having to "press one to continue in English" on the phone, or at the ATM machine? I'm with GENE.

As for the quotes about depression and suicide...he's mainly referring to the assholes who stand on a ledge and obviously DON'T want to jump, just want the attention. In any case, check the source. It's GENE SIMMONS fer Chrissake. He's a provocateur. He's an opinionated loudmouth. So what. That's who he is, and that's what he does. He's not anybody's senator or congressman. You're worried about boorishness from a guy who plays shitty heavy metal music and spews fake blood and wiggles his tongue?

I've met the man. I was face to face with him doing an interview. He didn't intimidate me or surprise me. In fact, I sort of liked the guy. He wasn't boring. An egomaniac, sure. So are pro wrestlers, and everyone seems to LOVE their schtick.

The depression/suicide stuff was clipped out of an interview done probably long ago, for Songfacts. Anyone want to mention that Gene is very nice to even BOTHER doing an interview with some asshole website nobody visits?

So what. So fuckin' what. Gene is being Gene. It's not like he held a press conference after Robin Williams died, and said Robin was a jerk, and all suicidal people are jerks. But FOX NEWS wanted to be sensational, and that's ok too, except in cases like this, it turns somebody into a target. Gene can take care of himself, but come on, you take somebody's quotes out of context and make 'em seem like a heartless villain...that's NOT a good idea. It's a cheap tabloid trick and it could get someone hurt.

As it is, it got Nikki Sixx (gee, another stable individual) to get on his hind legs and shriek that he's been depressed, and maybe Gene thinks it would be a better world without Nikki Sixx? You know what? YES. If Nikki Sixx had killed himself 20 years great loss. Nikki moaned (Tweeted) some ridiculous shit about how, if he'd killed himself years ago, he wouldn't have four children. No, Nikki, Math Major and GENIUS that you are, if you'd died years ago, the chances of you having children would've been significantly lowered. The fact that there are four bastards with Nikki Sixx genes loose in the world is probably a good reason for anyone to be depressed, if not downright suicidal.

So there you are...more disgusting amusement from the manipulative world of Murdoch, Fox News, tabloids...and more publicity for a media manipulator like Gene Simmons, who wasn't even looking for this added attention.

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