Monday, August 4, 2014


The anti-Semites "stars" are in the minority...nut-cases like Mel Gibson, pinheads like Selena "The Bieber Holster" Gomez, retards like Penelope Cruz, and bigot bastards such as Roger Walters, Peter Gabriel and Brian Eno.

All these fools do is make themselves look ugly, sick and unspeakably stupid. They have all the money in the world and they reveal their ugly, petty, idiotic superstitions and racism? What fools.

The New York Post just countered with some praise for stars who talk common sense, and who have countered the anti-Semitism.

The Post is, despite its lurid love of gossip and the Kardashians, a very conservative paper. Conservatives are amazingly supportive of Israel...from Sean Hannity to Jon Voight and back. And here, the Post accurately appraises what Neil Young and Mick Jagger have contrast to the brain-dead Nazi Roger Walters of Stink Floyd.

The Post also addresses two of the stupidest celebrities ever to talk out of their butts...Bieber sperm eater Selena Gomez, and addled minstrel Dizzy Desi the Toot:

The botton line is that celebrities have power. They can do a lot of damage with it. This is why Yoko Ono, in the depths of her horror over watching John being shot and killed, bravely told fans not to despair. All she had to do was say, "This is the end, there is no hope," and some kids would've killed themselves. All through the history of entertainment, there have been leaders in Hollywood and Broadway and the West End in London and elsewhere. From Madonna to Mylene Farmer, from Henry Fonda to Jane Fonda...stars know that the speeches they make in films, the lyrics they write, the actions they take...have tremendous repercussions. It's incredible how often stars STILL put their feet in their mouths...because they are so quick to blurt out their racist stupidity. Face it, it doesn't take a lot of brains to be Selena Gomez and mince around a stage in next to nothing, and spend her nights chasing after Justin Bieber.

The news today is that Egypt has brokered a cease fire, which hopefully will last a while. Maybe the Hamas monkeys will STOP building tunnels and firing their "pathetic fireworks" as Mr. Eno calls them. Hopefully Israel won't be hot-headed over any soldier that goes missing or provocateur thugs killing a few people just to provoke disaster.

And most of all, here's hoping that Brian Eno shoves himself up Desmond Tutu's ass.

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