Monday, August 4, 2014


Aw, look who's crying. It's Saad Sack.

This Allah-kazam, a fucking auto mechanic in Detroit, killed a guy with one punch. Why? Because the guy was a referee who gave him a "yellow card" for fouling, and another "yellow card" for cursing. WHAM! INFIDEL! YOU DIE LIKE A DOG!

Thanks to the huge influx of psycho immigrants who LOVE "football" (as they call it), we're seeing more and more playgrounds and fields taken over by surly, swarthy bastards jibbering and jabbering while they kick a soccer ball and bounce it off their empty skulls.

Saad is crying not for the guy he killed, but because he might only be able to play "football" in a prison yard. For a few years. After all, he's only up for involuntary manslaughter, or second-degree assault. He can't be tried for murder because nobody can prove he meant to kill this white guy, father of two. Well, who is to say the Muslims who rammed the World Trade Center towers meant to kill anyone? Oh, they probably just expected to tilt the tower, and everybody would have plenty of time to run out to safety before it fell.

Saad not only decked the referee...he didn't bother to check if the man was dead or alive. He and two of his surly swarthy pals stormed off, giving the finger to everyone, jabbering and jibbering...and it was only thanks to an alert person taking down a license plate that he was quickly caught.

America doesn't need filthy psycho bastards playing "football" and going berserk over the game...that's for Europe. That's for South America. "Soccer" as it's known in America, is becoming more popular because immigrants insist on it, and as everyone knows, whatever immigrants demand, they get...whether it's "you speak MY language" to "you honor MY customs" to "get the fuck out of your own country, infidel..." and "see that church? It's now a mosque."

Entertainment now is "football" aka "soccer," and Arabs are pushing for Ramadan and other "holidays" to be observed in America. Or else. There's the usual crocodile tears about "we only want to come and have YOUR lifestyle, YOUR profits, YOUR money..." which, as they become MORE of a majority, turns into "OUR way or the HIGHWAY."

Poor Saad Sack. In another generation, a jury of his peers would say, "Eh? You killed the infidel? Good!"

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