Saturday, August 9, 2014

Peter Gabriel and Roger Waters to duet on Bob Dylan's "ISIS"

How about that? Wouldn't that be great?

Sure it would. It would send an important message...that Peter and Roger truly embrace not just Palestinians and Hamas, but all radical Muslims. "The Wall" between sanity and Muslims should be broken, and Roger's the guy to do it. And Peter? "Red Rain," as Allah would want. Blood on the streets for any infidel who doesn't recognize that one religion is better than any other.

Of course "Dylan the Jew," who wrote "ISIS" following his "Blood on the Tracks" album, needs a re-write. The lyrics would have to change to something respectful. Like...

"Leader of ISIS, you mystical child, what drives me to you is what drives me insane..."

Oh, look what those dreadful Yankees are doing:

I think it's time that Peter Jew Hater and his boyfriend Roger "Blood on the" Waters go at it. I mean, take the pens out of their asses (come on, ordinary butt plugs should work) and start scrawling another petition. "Don't trade with the United States. They are killing innocent Muslims. What other kind is there? ISIS believes that the country should be 100% Muslim. That's not genocide. That's not apartheid. What Israel does IS, but not what ISIS does..."

The only thing that actually IS objectionable about the U.S. bombing Iraq's ISIS that once again, they are doing it alone. Where the fuck is Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Not to mention Muslim-harboring nations like Holland and Germany?

There's not even token support here. The cowardly nations of the world, cringing at the thought of Muslims and their suicide bombing and their tongue-wagging screams and their burka-wearing loonies, dare not say a word. Let the Muslims blow up landmarks in America...and that's fine.

There are corrupt "moderate" nations in the Middle East who don't appreciate the Hamas assholes or the ISIS assholes...but as oil-rich as they are, as powerful as they are...they keep silent. Interesting. Politics makes for strange bedfellows, silent partners, and all kinds of peculiar corruptions. Just why Obama is sticking his neck out...and putting every American at risk (it was ordinary Americans in those World Trade Center buildings) is hard to know for sure.

The important thing is for Peter Gabriel and Roger Waters to stand up for ISIS as they have for HAMAS. Come on, guys...broaden the scope of your political brilliance. You can't just be surely can find it in your hearts to be anti-American, too.

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