Wednesday, August 13, 2014

RUSH TO JUDGMENT: idiot Rush Limbaugh taking heat for Robin Williams crap

There's a movement in this country to get Rush Limbaugh kicked off the air.

It being done by firing off complaints to his sponsors. It's been working. Many sponsors, nervous about alienating ANYONE, have withdrawn their support for radio's nationwide wide-bottomed load of right-wing bullshit.

Perhaps Rush's latest nasty, ignorant scandal will shake a few more sponsors loose

Huffington Post just dissected Rush's stupid remarks about "Leftist" Robin killing himself because Liberals are unhappy and conservatives are much more mentally healthy:

There's also been a lot of attention paid to suicide and depression, thanks to this very high-profile death.

When was the last time an internationally known celebrity killed himself? One that was known not for depressing rock songs or miserable novels, but for light-hearted comedies and Disney voices?

Perhaps Robin's death will also signal that it's time for slanted news reporters and idiotic "shock jocks" to give it a rest and go back to the old days of "fair and balanced reporting," and simply playing music and shutting the fuck up.

I know that Murdoch-type newspapers and tabloids are a plague around the world. I'm not too sure whether Rush Limbaugh is an American phenomenon, or if there are loudmouths on the radio in every country. The polar opposite to Limbaugh, and more popular, is Howard Stern. As a Liberal "shock jock," he probably makes ten times Limbaugh's salary, appealing to salacious and often stupid people who like to hear the opposite of Rush...a lot of dirty talk, mindless but harmless grumbling about celebrities, and bad jokes. Howard always has celebrities eager to be on his show. Not the same deal with Rush. Howard hasn't had to check into rehab for an addiction to pills...and Rush has. Howard in fact, parlayed his radio show into being "King of All Media," with a best-selling book, and a judge role on "America's Got Talent." Rush just sits on his fat ass, spewing his nastiness from a basement studio somewhere.

Still, Rush Limbaugh probably has several million or more listeners...dumbass rednecks, crazed Christian fanatics, and the usual assortment of potential assassins and useless unemployed conspiracy theorists. So what he says does a very dangerous audience of maniacs. It was probably a Rush Limbaugh listener who tried to kill Larry Flynt, and there have been "Liberals" in America gunned down by gun-nuts and loonies...from Alan Berg (the radio host whose story became the film "Talk Radio") to John Lennon.

Uncaring loudmouth jerks like Rush Limbaugh aren't harmless. What they say is dangerous. To sow the seeds of "hate the Liberals" could turn some Southern pig against any comedian who is iconoclastic...from Gilbert Gottfried to Bill Maher, and even a Jerry Seinfeld or a David Letterman. Jeez, Dave was already the subject of a fatwa...and a hate campaign from Sarah Palin.

Conservatives not only have no sense of humor...they are deadly.

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