Monday, August 25, 2014

Amazon's scummy JEFF BEZOS is one SON OF A TWITCH

Congrats, bozo BEZOS, you bought TWITCH from under the sniffy, drippy nose of Der Fuhrer Eric Schmidt of GOOGLE UBER ALLES.

It cost nearly a BILLION DOLLARS. But hell, you and couldn't just create a fucking "streaming" website of some kind. You just rooted around in your pocket, came up with a trifling amount...and BOUGHT this piece of shit nobody ever heard of...

Another WIN for Fascist Bastard BOZO BEZOS.

May I remind you that he's the guy who upped the minimum on free shipping from $25 to $35?

What was the excuse? That Amazon was BARELY BREAKING EVEN?

You want to buy two CDs? Better make it THREE.

This is the same BOZO BEZOS who is playing hardball with book publishers and movie companies...extorting them and kicking their ass...refusing to stock their product unless they lower their prices. See, poor Jeff is barely scraping by. He can barely afford to throw a BILLION DOLLARS at some fucking streaming-game site.

This is the same BOZO BEZOS who thinks that authors should NOT be allowed to get more than fifty cents or maybe a buck per eBook download. As if the average book sells even 10,000 copies. As if a book only takes a month or two to write.

This is the same BOZO BEZOS who conspires to make sure mp3 files are at rock bottom prices, too...because singers and songwriters should make pennies and give almost ALL the profits to he can toss a BILLION dollars at a few geeks who run a site for "gamers."

I have a dream. Like Martin Luther King, my dream is about the oppressed. It's about the COPYRIGHT OWNER, the NIGGER OF THE WORLD.

Only my dream isn't exactly non-violent. I dream that a lucky copyright owner is given a BILLION DOLLARS, hour to kick the shit out of Jeff Bezos and leave the boot so far up his fucking ass the shoelaces come out his nose.

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