Monday, August 4, 2014

Gareth Davies - Does Loud Music render you INSENSITIVE?

One of the (many) things that piss me "dismissal" of someone else's misery or pain.

I'm tempted to say this is a very BRITISH trait, because the news is full of skinhead assholes like Brian Eno who call Hamas missles "pathetic fireworks."

How much more of a "dismissal" of someone else's misery or pain can you tolerate?

It's the "seniormole" and "Bored of the Boot Sale" mentality raised up a lethal notch. The two idiots I've just mentioned, who lurk in forums and blogs, have the perpetually shrugging shoulders, the weary raised eyebrows, and eyes that only seem to light up at the view of wine, beer, or mouldy records on sale. Everything else is piffle and kerfuffle, a needless nuisance that disturbs their very, very British sense of tranquility. The Neville Chamberlain approach to life. "Oh, please, let's get on with it...give Hitler what he wants, the cricket match is about to start."

In fact Alfred Hitchcock satirized this type of Brit-twit in "The Lady Vanishes," as two overly civilized fellows clucked and fussed their disgust over how the search for a kidnapped woman was interfering with their oh-so-important checking of sports results.

Now who is Gareth Davies? He's the fellow who views your discomfort as "ridiculous."

This worthy has that pompous sense of self that dictates YOUR problems are "ridiculous" while HIS whims are to be catered to and coddled, and treated with grand respect.

Davies is wealthy enough to afford high end stereo equipment...and self-entitled enough to blast it at high volume whether others like it or not. Complaints about his noise? "RIDICULOUS!"

How fortunate that he played such rotten music, and did so in a place loaded with other self-entitled people objecting! Gareth Davies was told, repeatedly, to stop being a nuisance, and when he ignored everyone...he got his stereo taken away. He still doesn't understand why. Perish the thought!

I guess what angers me most about "dismissal" is that it comes from people who, you think, have intelligence, and therefore, have taste and manners. Instead, they are beyond boorish and insensitive. They literally don't "get" why THEY can't do precisely what they want at YOUR expense.

It's beyond disgusting to see some idiot like seniormole raise his wine glass while denying a drink of water to musicians, HE has a job or has retired with a pension...but denies work or royalties to musicians because HE likes his free downloads, is self-absorbed, and considers the problems of others to be "silly." If they complain, he puts on a pained face and huffs, "why do they fling their poo?"

The "Bore" of the boot sale does the same thing, and compounds the offense by insulting the musicians with "this did not chart" and "I don't know anything about this person" while uploading their music so HE can be the oh-so-grand LORD. He's raping the musicians while coddling his pooch and expecting the world to care about what his "Muffin" did while on walkies. And here's Gareth Davies, who considers himself the penultimate music connoisseur, blasting Celine Dion and not caring about the peace and quiet of his neighbors. WHO are THEY, after all? THEY are not the great GARETH DAVIES, so their concerns are "ridiculous."

Do unto others...and it stops right there for some selfish prigs.

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