Sunday, August 10, 2014

Orthodox Jewish Assholes - the Bulletproof Stockings cunts

The dedicated readers of this blog might think I practice some kind of Jew-loving apartheid. In other words, that being pro-Israel in the case of the latest Gaza lunacy, means that I must be a reverse Roger Waters, and NEVER consider the other side.

Not the case. Jews are capable of being assholes just like Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Atheists and hedge fund traders.

In fact, the more religious, the greater the likelihood for assholery. Assholery like this:

I saw these stupid cunts in performance, and their tittering tit-owning fans. What a revolting bunch of self-absorbed idiots. As if any group of hens isn't annoying enough, they were all grinning and twittering about this grrrrrl-power triumph of doing something without MEN. Ewwww, MEN. Yeah? Wanna do something without men? Shove vibrators up your twats and stay home.

I get the idea that women might want to see a rock show without being groped, rubbed up against, propositioned, and all the rest of the vulgarity and obnoxiousness that goes with being out in public. The answer is to go with another girl, and either ignore the moronic guys or tell them off. But to exclude men...on religious grounds? That's wrong. Most women don't like rock music anyway. They go to a show because they were dragged their by their boyfriends...and didn't mind because it meant "ooh, he spent MONEY on me." And it included dinner.

So all this "no men because we're Orthodox Jewesses" deal is, is a glorified hen party. It's just an excuse to go somewhere other than a shoe store or Victoria's Secret or some other place where heterosexual males are not likely to be. The difference is that men CAN go into a ladies shoe store (and snore while the bitch tries on a zillion shoes) and men CAN walk into Victoria's Secret to buy the wife and/or girlfriend a slutty outfit. That's equality.

There's been equality in rock for a long, long time.

Female rockers...Goldie and the Gingerbreads, Fanny, The Bangles...we're not in the dark ages. A bunch of women playing and singing rock is no novelty. The angle that RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE forbids men...because Orthodox Jewish Women are the rock group...that's new. It's also stupid and revolting. ANY religious excuse for exclusion is.

Normal religions aren't run by assholes. You can go to a synagogue and observe even if you aren't Jewish. You can attend Midnight Mass if you're not Christian. THIS shit. And let me tell you something about's NOT kosher.

What I mean is, the idiot Orthodox Jew who eats dairy at a meal, ONLY uses special DAIRY plates for it...and then eats meat at the next meal (with only MEAT plates) putting it ALL in the same place, and it mixes together and ends up...SHIT. UNKOSHER SHIT. So stop being fuck-ups, ok?

Believe me, the stereotypical Orthodox Jew is nothing to be proud of. This is a homely guy in a dirty white shirt, revolting sidecurls, a ridiculous hat perched atop his yarmulke, a pubic beard, no sense of humor, and a generally obnoxious attitude. He's either rail-thin or fat as a cow. The woman is swarthed in schmattes (rags) including a head scarf, and all you can generally see is her nose, which you can see a mile away.

They invite abuse, and when anti-Semites think of "The Chosen People," let's be honest, they think of a pompous Orthodox Jew who gives the skunk-eye to the goyim and spends an insane amount of time lighting candles, dovening (bending in prayer) and lighting MORE candles.

It offended me to see these smug, very mediocre chicks being so proud of being exclusionary, and not playing for men (although there were cameramen photographing the proceedings for the media!). Can you imagine if Muslims pulled this? Everybody would be disgusted at their obnoxious and clannish behavior, and wondering what they had to hide.

I say save this holier-than-thou bullshit for the synagogue. Once you're out in the real world (Arlene's Grocery is in the real world...and should be sued for not letting men into the performance) you behave like everyone else. Follow the customs of our country, not your exclusionary nonsense. You want to dress like an idiot so that other idiots can find you? Fine. Show me a picture in the Bible, the Koran, or any other holy book, that shows the costume YOU choose to wear. Nope, not there. But go ahead...just don't behave like an asshole while you're in it. And excluding men at a venue that is not Orthodox and not Kosher and that every other night allows obnoxious.

PS, bitches, you ain't opening for Roger Waters any time soon.

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