Sunday, August 31, 2014


What do you call getting pleasure for while you're screwing someone without their consent?

I call it rape. So JOHN DONAHOE is a rapist.

He's also a fucking pig. Because he is such a rich son of a bitch he doesn't monitor his "just a venue" shit sty. Because unless somebody finds out where he lives and punches his fucking face for him, he's just not going to care how much of a shit sty EBAY is.

He makes sure that NOBODY at EBAY is responsible for anything. You can't call up and speak to a human. You can't e-mail a human. Ebay writes the rules. You can't be on the site unless you sign off to any fucking shit they put in their "terms of service."

That's how the Internet works, and how creeps like JOHN DONAHOE operate. What a rapist. What a thief.

Sellers on EBAY make Hans Demented look like Shirley Temple.

How about THIS bitch, who is happily bootlegging EVERY book she can get her dirty hands on? All she has to do is tell EBAY that she's the "copyright owner."

YES, that's all. "Hey, I own the rights to HARRY POTTER. I own the rights to EVERY BOOK EVER MADE," from Alice, Texas. Yes, you all know Alice, Texas, the hub of the publishing world.

Sam Kinison once said, "I don't endorse wife-beating. BUT I UNDERSTAND IT."

And I understand why there's such a thing as jihad. I understand why people blow up buildings.

Name your poison...The Black Panthers. FALN. Irish Republican Army. ISIS. Whatever the race or nationality, the message is the same: We are FED UP with THIS SHIT.

Can you imagine...if instead of some poor hapless guy like Foley, if the guy from ISIS had kidnapped JOHN DONAHOE? Or JEFF BEZOS? The CEO of EXXON? There just might be cheering in the streets. Because it would be telling the worst fat cats out there...YOU can be had. YOU can be raped. YOU can be killed. You're not so secure as you think, hiding behind your secretaries, and the monkeys you pay a minimum wage to guard the entrance to the compound.

EBAY is rife with sick, obnoxious abuse. "Ebay is just a venue," they sneer...meaning, if you're on there selling dope, or kiddie porn, or chloroform, or a guide to making a bomb, or Nazi memorabilia, or BOOTLEGS OF EBOOKS...nobody does a fucking thing. "You report it to us," they say. And maybe something will happen. Maybe not.

Some cunt in Alice, Texas "owns the copyright" to every book ever made. According to EBAY.

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