Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Put THIS killer Hamas shit to music, Peter Gabriel & Roger Waters

OK, maybe I was wrong. Hamas is genocidal...because they only want to kill Jews?


Peter Gabriel...you love to put music to blank verse. Roger Waters...you like a good death chant. Go ahead and read the Hamas document that Israel uncovered:

I'm waiting for the "spin" on this. Most likely this item won't be reported by half the newspapers around the world.

The other half might call on some swarthy, Camel-breathed monster to smugly deny...deny...deny. "No, no, we didn't write it. Israeli forgery! We love everybody! Except Jews. We can say that? Of course we can! It's not apartheid to say Israel should be blown off the map and all Jews must die..."

In this world gone mad, people are embracing terrorists. They're partying like it's 1940.

People wonder how Hitler got to power and nearly destroyed the world? Hamas has power. Isis has power. Al Qaeda has power. Crazy bastards suddenly pop up controlling North Korea, Syria, Libya, various crazy countries in Africa and South America...

It's frightening how easily we either ignore terrorists or admire them. Everybody seems crazy about Putin. Anyone bitching about that plane that crashed in the Ukraine? Nope. People have forgotten that. All they know is Putin is a tough bastard, and they look up to him for that.

The lone exception? Israel. Netanyahu isn't respected for being tough. Israel isn't respected for fighting back. In any other situation in the world, what Israel and Netanyahu have done would be cheered. Except...it involves Jews.

Have you ever, ever seen anything so lopsided and insane since World War II? Read anything as crazy as what's in the papers lately? Usually, people don't give a shit. Where was Roger Waters during the worst days of Ireland vs England? Where was Desmond Tutu? Where were all the world leaders? At best, McCartney sang "Give Ireland Back to the Irish." And Lennon wrote a pathetic tune that suggested the Irish wished they were English instead. Or something. But basically there hasn't been a conflict between neighboring nations that ANY rock star, ANY ex-president, ANY Archbishop, ANYONE has thought to condemn. Violence? Rape? Murder? Whatever it is...fuck 'em. Nigeria. Syria. Libya. Chile. Wherever there has been fighting, there has been apathy...EXCEPT for Israel. Israel...suddenly the "celebrities" have something to say. OK, Penelope Cruz and Brian Eno and the rest of you anti-Semites...go read about how the crazy terrorist bastards of Hamas are happy to sacrifice their own people. Why should this surprise you, when Sunni idiots will kill Shi'ite idiots, and various sects of Islam war with each other over nothing? Syria...Arabs killing Arabs. Yet it's never even "you both should cease fire." It's "take away Israel's weapons, don't let them buy weapons, don't trade with them, don't buy a fucking orange from them. Starve them and weaken them so Palestinians can slaughter them and take over all the land..."

Hey, the Arabs butt-fucked Lawrence of Arabia, too. Jews didn't want any part of that asshole.

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