Friday, August 1, 2014

Muslim Extremists LOVE Social Media

Just in case you were wondering...

Yes, the backward Camel spit-stained urine-faced ya-ya-ya-yobbos that trill their tongues, squeal their hate, and decapitate anyone who doesn't mindlessly believe in their Invisible Friend...LOVE SOCIAL MEDIA.

While they are mentally in the 13th Century, they are real savvy on how to hack and intimidate people with savage images of literally hackjobs, and with threats of harm.

Like the old days when fat-ass Hans and fat-head Christer and Nazi douche Zinny all competed to see who could give away the most stolen property and get those AWESOME NICE COMMENTS...

...Here's ISIS and HAMAS and DUNGWIPE and AL COCKSUCKER and the rest of the Allah-kazam magic acts ALL competing for...POWER.

That's what it's about. It's about which guy with the Mandrill's ass face and pubic beard can get the most wives and be the most feared...all by pretending to be the Son of God (ie, son of Mohammed. Or Allah. Or Bin Laden. Or whatever.)

And we thought it was a rotten world when Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito tried to destroy the putting it under THEIR superior dominion. Now anybody can play. Any tent full of miscreants can somehow hack a bank account, get weapons, find morons to blow themselves up...and away they go, next stop: ZUNSET for Christians and Jews and Atheists and Agnostics.

And if there aren't any of those targets around...they kill each other because someone's a Sunni and the other's a Shiite or whatever silly names are involved.

It will never end because individuals will always mistake power for immortality. Let's face it, Bin Laden didn't kill himself. He wasn't a suicide bomber. He sent OTHERS to do that, because he fucking well knew that he wasn't going to get virgin goats in heaven. He wanted to be powerful and feared in his lifetime...and fuck as many wives as he could. "Religion is the mask on the face of the devil." Who said that? I did.

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