Monday, October 12, 2015


ONE of the problems with self-entitled self-absorbed nouveau-artiste provocateur pests like "BANKSY" is they inspire monkey-see monkey-do morons.

"Oh," says the lazy graffiti artist, "why should I go to art school, learn my craft, show at exhibits...when I can simply foul public property and become RICH AND FAMOUS!"

Here's an asshole who squats on the sidewalk in front of stores and apartment buildings, and letters tiresome, boring slogans. OH HOW CLEVER. NOT.

These people are never too altruistic, are they? They insist on a CREDIT.

Notice the name here is as big as the slogan.

Who came up with the phrase "Love One Another?" Thy, THIS guy. Let's give him a million dollars and a room at the Museum of Modern Art where he can also offer us "Be Nice," "Peace and Love" and "Jesus Saves."

Tell me any 3rd grader couldn't do what this idiot did? Except a 3rd grader would probably have enough sense NOT TO: "My mommy told me not to write on walls or sidewalks."

This cloying, distracting piece of self-promotional garbage was, as always, scrawled NOT in front of a museum, even, but in front of an ordinary apartment building. As if someone in there is an art critic for The Times? And would be impressed?

The asshole does it in front of bodegas and other ordinary stores.

He really figures if BANKSY could be famous for it, he could. Maybe he also remembers a creep who'd wander around writing the brilliant and original slogan "Live Your Dream" onto junk left for the sanitation department to pick up. A broken washing machine, a refrigerator door, or a broken swivel chair...and there it would be: "LIVE YOUR DREAM." So...profound...if your dream is writing graffiti on garbage about to be taken to a dump.

The maniac who relentlessly kept doing this, actually got rewarded. He got an exhibit in some crappy store-front art gallery in the neighborhood he was assaulting. It was the type of art gallery that offers matadors painted on black velvet, and "framed lithographs" of Marilyn Monroe. The owner of the store quickly learned that NOBODY is going to pay for "Live Your Dream" scrawled on a canvas. ANYONE can do that.

My dream is that this asshole will squat on a sidealk one day, chalk in hand, and get bitten by a rabid pit bull and DIE.

In a related story...

Sappy Saul Zabar, by the way, is a wimpy lox-brain who wanders around wanly with a 'Make nice' attitude, and his hands behind his back in a typical "go ahead and hit me" Jewish posture. Meanwhile he's proud of what he got FREE and uses it to drive well-meaning middle-class yenta idiots into his shop. These are the dimwits who buy memberships to the Museum of Modern Art, and solemnly stare at all-black canvases and say, "Well, I would not have thought of it. I guess it's art."

Sappy Saul paid for a covering for his Banksy? Lovely. He made that back by overcharging on just about anything he sells. You'll need to mortgage your house for a few pounds of whitefish from this putz. About the only thing he does NOT celebrate with that shrugging, nebbishy Jew-y attitude of "live and let live" and "don't cause trouble" is his own brother Eli. The two of them have a hate that would disgust Cain and Abel. They and would asphyxiate each other with cream cheese if they could. They own rival overcharge-the-Jews stores on different sides of New York City. The only thing they agree on is most Jews aren't cheap at all, and have enough money to actually accept being fleeced by ridiculously high prices...because none of them know how to cook.

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