Thursday, October 29, 2015


"Try to see it my way..." I can imagine Laura Horner, the CUNT, saying.

Hey, when you're relying on AMAZON royalties on EBOOKS you self-publish, you have to spend all day SWIPING from other authors and liberally "re-writing" their prose.

When you need to knock out 75 books in 5 years, because AMAZON might give you a piddling bunch of pennies in royalties, or even give your Kindle book away free as part of a promo scheme, you can't be expected to actually WRITE your books. You're more like a fucking typist.

Thanks to Bozo Bezos and EBOOKS and "print on demand," every asshole, cunt, jackass and jerk is "writing" books. Yes, dear sir or madam, they could be "based on a novel" or could be lifted with just a few word changes. And what are the odds you'll be found out?

Cunt Laura Horner got found out because the odds were against her, throwing 75 pieces of hackwork shit onto the Internet.

When the Daily Mail exposes you, you REALLY have to be one unethical twat.

CUNT TWAT. Much difference? Not in American slang, and not when it comes to a real author who happens to write drivel, and a wannabe who "cleverly" re-arranges what somebody else wrote.

Of course the problem here is fiction vs non-fiction. In non-fiction, you can legally "steal." You just "give credit." You quote a paragraph or two. It's like good bloggers who might offer ONE song from an artist, vs the pigs who give away the entire discography.

But I gotta put SOME blame on BOZO BEZOS. If his rotten KINDLE didn't catch on, and if his stinking AMAZON didn't give shit-up-the-twat cunt bitches like Laura Horner a way to be a FRAUD (London Mail's term for her) then we wouldn't have this situation.

AMAZON encourages abuse by allowing anyone to float a book up to their site. Usually they take the publishing credit, but sometimes a lowlife "book company" (with no credentials) does the PDF shit and has somebody make a cover, and they charge the author for all that. The "book company" might even float the turds with the author's choice of a "publishing house" name. Like, "Look at me, I'm published by Randam House...I'm published by Simon & Shoestore." How clever.

Twat cunt Laura Harner? If you suspect she isn't with a major book company, but in fact is operating her OWN, then take a look at an entry at the shitty blog she has for "Hot Corner," the name of HER book company. The irony here, is that she's BITCHING about Cobblestone, some other vanity press vampire company she originally threw her hackwork garbage at:

What a cunt this twat Laura Horner is.

Thing is, she's operating in a vacuum of filth, not unlike a toilet pipe. The ASSHOLES who don't know good writing from bad, and who are dumb enough to download dopey garbage by a no-talent, are not likely to ever find out that a "favorite author" is a plagiarist. And they are even less likely to care.

Some faggots who want romance novels are probably saying, "So? Laura re-wrote the book to MY anus-like taste. I wouldn't read Becky's book, so what's the harm? You can't expect poor Laura to use that Kotex she has for a brain, and come up with original material. 75 books in just 5 years? That's asking TOO much!"

Or is it?

Decades ago, I answered a writing ad and went down to a publishing company. It turned out they only published "adult" novels. AND, they expected me to sit at a desk in their office and knock out 10,000 words a day. In other words, a NOVEL A WEEK.

You've seen "hot books?" They aren't much different from bullshit romance fiction or all those dopey science fiction pieces of crap...a series of 50 novels involving "DEMENTO" from the planet "HANS." Could I have knocked out a novel a week? Yes. I'm not sure for how long. The burnout rate was probably high. BUT, they were offering LESS than I was getting to write a short story or non-fiction piece in a second rate magazine.


Laura Horner? She is a pig. That's in addition to being a twat and a cunt and a faulty douchebag. And a plagiarist. She could've had a stinky hobby and been another amateur scab and gotten a few hundred bucks here and there for a crap novel with a lurid title. But she got greedy. This is not unlike the bloggers of yore, who put up an album, and then discovered they could earn Kim Dotcom-dollars if they put up entire discographies. They didn't care about copyright, of course. Copyright is COPY WRONG. HAR HAR.

So for the moment Little Jerk Horner is sitting in a hot corner, weighing the curds coming out of her cunt and the curses hurled at her from real writers. It'll blow over. She blows. She'll take her time and start knocking out fresh drivel by herself. She'll scour the toilets of the world trying to find idiot amateurs who might want to "co-write" with her. All will be well.

This IS the 21st Century. Intellectual property is an archaic term. Self-entitlement and rationalization are fancy words for "I like FREE" and "I should have what I want." Nobody was sneering at fat Kim Doctom as he lorded and larded over a huge mansion in New Zealand. The locals didn't care HOW he made his money. They just admired him for having it and hoped to get a piece by selling him another car or maybe the services of a cocksucker or asswiper.

This shit is going on all the time, and getting worse and worse thanks to Bozo Bezos, and the laws that make it so difficult to track down and sue anyone for anything. Laura Horner's reputation? What the fuck does she care about it? Before the news hit, she was shit, just an obscure hack, another dimwit slob with a forgettable line of "romance" books as disposable as toilet paper. point in flogging a twat bitch any further. Laura, here are two words you can have for free, because they are in public domain: FUCK YOU!

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