Sunday, October 18, 2015

Golovkin Beats Up Montreal Cockatoo

Lemon-faced, arrogant little Quebec queer-oid David Lemieux was a loser the moment he walked into the ring.

For some bizarre reason, he razored off the hair on the sides of his head, leaving a greasy pelt on the top.

Maybe that's the hip thing to do when partying with metrosexuals in Montreal, but...take a look at what happened EVERY time he got hit by Gennady Golovkin:

Yes, he looked like a tropical bird.

His hair flew straight up in fright, and it made it seem that every Golovkin punch was even more powerful than it was.

Lemony Lemieux (rhymes with LePew) was dropped by a body shot. A few rounds later, after Lemony Snicket's nose started leaking a shade of cerise, the referee kept staring at it like it was raspberry sauce and he hadn't eaten all day. The ref kept hovering over the fighters, poised to step in, distracting even ace fight announcer John Rawling. "He's going to stop it any minute," said John.

No surprise, given the constant shocks to Lemieux's head, which had him like a dirty and stunned cockatoo ("lovely plummage, the Montreal Lemieux...") the ref eventually did step in. At the time, Lemmy had been hit with a few shots but was still defending himself.

Yes, Bunce and the rest of the Box Nation gang had no problem with the one-sided fight being ended, but most agreed that the stoppage itself was arbitrary and that the punching bag from Queerbec could've continued. Lemmy walked away stunned, not putting up much of an argument, but by the time of the ring interview, he was grumbling that he wanted another chance, and he was very much in the fight.

The main lesson: don't walk into the ring with a hairstyle that will make the judges think you're either being brain-scrambled with every punch, or you're some kind of Nancy.

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