Friday, October 30, 2015

Oh, Dirty Maggie may...sell porn shit on EBAYYYYYYY

Here's a lovable British granny, a real senior mole, who shrugs her shoulders about silly little things like copyright.

Rest assured, she tells EBAY, her smut collection is either in "public domain" (because she says so, and is an expert or something) or it's from her collection so that makes it HER PROPERTY.

She should know better?

As we say in Great Britain, "she's no better than she should be."

She's Queen of the Budget DVD and CD Sale, ready to offer anything she's found on the Internet or scanned or stolen. In her view Maggie may...sell huge collections of animated gifts, digital puzzles and games or even PORN.

ETC. ETC. Like so many, she thinks the Internet is a great place for FREE shit that SHE can then SELL for chump change. She has nothing better to do? Of course not. If she can get a few dollars it beats clipping coupons or risking arrest by shoplifting Tesco. Better to steal from artists and writers. Now let's get back to dirty Maggie's porn:

Isn't she lovely. Isn't she entitled!

She uses that nose-in-the-air phrase, "I SHALL BE SELLING..." Which is a kind of British Twat's variation on the time-honored arrogance of a description that starts "You are bidding on..."

She's one of the increasing army of cheap hobbyists and parasites who spend hours downloading shit, sorting it onto files, and all to get a couple of free packets of crisps.

That's what it amounts to: "Hmm, if I put all this porn on a DVD, 5,000 stories that I didn't write and that mostly come from actual publishers who also had to pay their fees to file copyright with the Library of Congress...I can swap it for a few packets of crisps. EBAY is the middle man, the fence for the stolen property. I put up the auction of the bootleg DVD, they send me some chump change through Paypal, and off I go to buy my crisps and tea. How LOVELY."

Van Gogh, who suffered for his sanity and his art? Everything he ever did is on a free DVD from some dimwit who will low-ball somebody else and sell it for a few dollars. Ha ha, public domain. Only it's happening to copyrighted material, too. Dirty Maggie isn't saying WHOSE short stories she's put on her DVD or where they came from is she? Of course not.

She counts on greedy horny idiots to figure it's worth a few quid because something's going to tickle their fancy.

As far as some retard on EBAY is concerned, if the seller says it's "public domain" then it's up to a copyright owner to state "under penalty of perjury" that it's a lie. Which involves knowing what exactly is on the fucking disc.

Filing a "good faith" claim that copyright is being broken risks the wrath of the "WE LIKE FREE" assholes. Who knows, the DMCA complaint might end up on "Chilling Effects" or hacked and published at the "Nobody Paid, HAR HAR" website, with a note saying, "Let's get this troll! The nerve! Copyright is copy WRONG! Artists and writers should take it up the ass because WE DON'T LIKE TO PAY!" Get out your Guy Fawkes fag masks, pimply nerds! It's time to gang up on somebody who resents being robbed.

If EBAY does get a complaint about this "I'll do as I please" twat, and chooses to actually agree that the auction is in violation (at the very least, freaky porn is NOT allowed to be sold right out in the open on the main part of the site) Dirty Maggie will keep all the money she's made. She'll get a notice not to list the title again. And if she does? She'll get another warning. And another. And then a "restriction" on selling for a day. Then a restriction for a week. Then a restriction for a month. By then she will have created several more accounts so she can do it all over again another dozen times. Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

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