Monday, October 12, 2015

"World's Most Hated Man" Dentist Walter Palmer will have to wait till his office gets bombed

"Alla balla boobie ga booboo!"

"Dogga boo dabba abba!"

"Shitty titty bitty witty goo goo Erika Badoooo!"

That's the sound of Zimbabwe officials debating, and then confirming, that the guy who shot one of their lions will NOT be extradited to face charges.

Nice work, you bunch of inky dinks.

Something about how he had a "legal license" to kill (007 the Dentist) and he can blame his guides, and somehow when he shot the lion AND tracked it OFF its reservation and murdered it out in the wilds, that was ok, too.


In the 21st Century, "THE ERA OF SELF-ENTITLEMENT," Dr. Walter Palmer has been cleared. After all, he's rich. He charges a fortune for cosmetic dentistry. He should be admired for whatever sneaky and shady insurance scams he runs. He's an arrogant prick with a huge office, a huge home AND a huge second home in Florida. He spends $50,000 or $100,000 to fly to Africa for a week and shoot living beings and brag about what a "sportsman" he is.

"Bagga shabba abba dabba addie savage!"

Loosely translated from the Zimmy-bobs, it means: "Why all the fuss when killing animals is GOOD for our economy, and nasty savage lions sometimes roam into villages teeming with over-spawning monkeys and frighten them. But not to the point where they can't have sex and put more idiots on the planet, idiots that need White Man Palmer to give them money so he can see blood pulsate from a gasping animal taking its last breath."

OK, maybe it loses something in the translation. I'll put it this way, if somebody blew up Palmer's office and his homes, and if ISIS leveled Zimbabwe, don't expect ME to cry about it. After all, it's just living beings.

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