Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ebay's Cheap Chickenshit Cunts

Does it get any more LOW RENT than this?

Here's a bitch in some desolate part of California selling store sample packets.

Yes, she stuffs her purse with 'em, then tries to sell 'em.

You can probably find an ad for "50 Burger King ketchup packets" as well. Some people have TIME on their CUNTS.

What else is on her list of "goodies?"

Oooh, she clips coupons and will mail them to you. She sells a little page of fake tattoos she probably stole. And here, we see that she surfs the net sniffing for "Coupon Codes" and she'll give YOU the code IF you pay her some chump change.

And...you guess it...she'll e-mail you a few photos of her precious self

Like that line about how YOU are NOT permitted to RESELL her images? That's pure "Lucy" from the Charlie Brown comic strip. Early on, girls get bratty about dictating the rules. They get huffy, obnoxious and controlling.

It's not that she's too stuck up to offer nude pix, she's "smart" and knows the odds are higher that eBay will kick her off if she says so. Besides, this way she can get drooling idiots to PM her and ask, "How much for naked photos? Huh? Huh?"

Too bad EBAY doesn't like cheap shit sellers on their site; not when they want to compete with Amazon. Processing nickel and dime auctions ain't really worth their time. That's why they have rules against sending digital photos, clipping coupons, and "buy some feedback" games.

You noticed one of her ads where Miss Chickenshit cunt offers a few digital photos? For $1.49? Like you couldn't download a zillion pix of every tourist sight in France for yourself?

She's low-balled by so many other chickenshit cunts, who will sell digital images you can download, but only charge a PENNY.

Below, a chickenshit cunt (who also keeps trying to sell her "day in my life" pictures) who wants to bump up her feedback via penny digital photos.

Why is she saying "pick up only?" Because she's a "smart" cunt, and thinks she's not breaking the EBAY rule about sending digital pictures. Heh heh. Somebody is going to drive to her shack and pick it up. What? She didn't even say it was a print-out!

Oh, the incredible nickel and dime idiots (in this case, penny photo to exchange feedback) idiots who are about as clever as a 5 year-old with her hand in the cookie jar. No, eBay has rules against buying feedback and being so fucking obvious about it.

Maybe teachers asking 5 year-old girls what they want to do when they grow up get THIS answer:

"Oh, I'd like to clip coupons all day out of discarded newspapers and sell them for $1. And if I can't make enough to buy a six-pack of beer, I'll also wear my panties for a new extra days and sell them. Yeah, that's what I want to do with my life!"

The teacher asks, "Don't you have any creative aspirations?"

The kid answers, "What's aspirations? If you mean can I do anything besides get crayon marks on myself, well, yes. I think I'd love to cover Taylor Swift tunes in a squeaky unprofessional voice, and get less than 200 hits on YouTube. I think I might make a whole five cents that way!"

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