Friday, October 30, 2015

Monkey-faced Aric Mussman whines 'No Yelpers'

Aric Mussman looks like he likes to eat shit.

Loves to lick the anus of some man or other.

Loves bad food and serves bad food.

That's what Aric Mussman looks like to me.

Know what? I can say that because it's "FREEDOM OF SPEECH." It's freedom of OPINION.

This asshole actually wants to "start a movement" to prevent people from reviewing his restaurant on YELP, or to allow anyone else to express an opinion on line.

"People can write what they want," he and retards like him are whining. "They can say things totally unfounded!"

Really. Who is to judge an "unfounded" opinion? If I say your restaurant stinks, musty mushmouthed mushroom headed cock-sucker-looking overfed oaf ARIC MUSSMAN, that's my opinion.

It's also quite likely that the average dimwit who checks out YELP can tell if somebody's being truthful or malicious. It's not difficult to read several reviews and make up your own mind.

But psycho-Fascist Aric Mussman, who should go suck cock in his own men's room, wants to control how people think and what people say.

Look, bloated-cheeks, hummus-complexion, dopeface Aric, I understand. NOBODY likes criticism. But guess what, if you're in the public eye in any an author, a store owner, even a fucking eBay seller, YOU GET IT.

What's the alternative? Nobody is allowed to give you a heads up on whether you should spend $100 for a Broadway play ticket? Nobody should warn you about paying $50 for a lousy dinner and getting indifferent service as well? Nobody should affirm that the new Elton John album is as shitty as the last one?


The irony here is that YELP actually has some safeguards. They often throw out the incredible five star raves (which could be paid for by the restaurant owner) as well as the one star pans. They'll allow you to see "ALL" the reviews if you click a link. If they see that somebody has a trollish habit of leaving nothing but negatives, they do something, because YELP needs to keep its integrity. The last thing it wants is to be considered unreliable and loaded with paid fluffers or malcontent assassins.

I know someone who had to deal with a total prick on EBAY who left a negative. It was unjust and stupid. He called EBAY and pointed it out. The EBAY rep agreed but said, "It stays. It's the bidder's opinion. It might be unjust and untrue but it's how he sees it, and HE'S ENTITLED TO HIS OPINION."

Bidders like to see 100% positives from a seller, but they also, if they bother to check a 97.6% seller, can see if negatives were left by malcontent morons and pissy perfectionists.

Hopefully people will see pork-faced Aric sourly complaining that people shouldn't be allowed to express their tastes, and BOYCOTT his stinking restaurant and his Fascist attitude.

HE IS A SHIT-FOR-BRAINS and the Board of Health should make him shampoo ten times a day. You are an asshole, ARIC. A total 100% dumb-fuck Nazi-esque turdbrain. PS, a second opinion, you look stupid. As Halloween you go out scaring people by dressing as yourself.

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