Saturday, October 3, 2015

Oregon Shootings? Nigga Be Killin' da Christians? Yo, Ho ho! OK widda world, yo.

Can you imagine if a white guy stalked around a campus, only shooting blacks in the head?

There would be marching in the street. The fucking country would be shut down by massive riots in every city.

How about if a Christian walked around saying "Are you Muslim?" and shot anybody in the head who admitted to it?

"HATE CRIME" would be the headline. The President would go on national television urging calm, and declaring Islam a "fine, fine religion," and assuring every Muslim, "I will do everything I can for you wonderful people."


Nigga, please!

Yo, there hasn't been one negative word about how this guy's black mother boasted of having an arsenal of guns.

She hasn't been seen in public apologizing for what her brat did.

NOBODY is screaming "HATE CRIME" when a Black deliberately gunned down WHITES ONLY.

Go ahead and look at the photos of the people who died in this latest "obnoxious loner brat goes on a rampage at school" shooting. All the victims are very, very white. Most of them are women.

Yeah, too fucking bad, for a day or two, and then it's back to wondering "Who'll win the World Series" and "How's the new football season shaping up" and "Haw haw, that Donald Trump is hilarious. And he's telling the world gun control is ridiculous."

It's getting to the point where whites are the minority in some places. There are more Latinos and Blacks in some cities and towns than whites. But if they load up their guns and blast whites apart, nobody says a word about "HATE CRIME."

What does this do? This sends a message that Blacks and Muslims are entitled to murder as many whites as they can. If they get caught, they'll be treated with love and compassion, and given food and lodging forever, with guards making sure that no harm comes to them.

I suppose we can consider ourselves lucky that most of these cowardly scum off themselves once the cops get close.

THIS guy killed himself, which is some kind of happy ending.

Oh, and guess who was his inspiration? The psycho gay black asshole who murdered a white female reporter and her white cameraman, and nearly killed the white woman being interviewed.

That, too, was not called "HATE CRIME."

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