Saturday, October 17, 2015

More grubby relics climbing aboard the SHIP OF FOOLS

The exact opposite of rats deserting the sinking ship, several more has-beens were announced for that fabulous "MOODIES" crucifixion. Or whatever it's called. Cruise?

Aside from the headliners, who barely manage to work Las Vegas casinos with their pap, and in addition to the two-man ZOMBIES who play their tiresome two and a half hits as an encore in some of the smallest venues on Earth...

This is what the term PATHETIC was coined for.

Jesus, we all know Vanilla Fudge were a good band in its day, and had a part in creating shoe-gazing drug-addled progrock, and we ALSO are well aware they are from Long Island, but don't they look like they have day jobs working in a bad pizza shop? (Yes, the lead singer is Jewish, but he still looks like he works in a bad pizza shop).

I'm not sure if the cruisefixion normally book "surprise" additions, or if tickets aren't selling well. Either way, this is even more sadder and disturbing than the ever-worsening Ringo All-Star Band shows.

Jesus, who the FUCK ever admitted to owning a Grand Funk album?

Yep the Ship of Fools is now packed with sad nostalgia acts.

Shabby aging men who were once "rock stars," will take to some tatty cruise ship stage and sing their one or two hits. (At this point can any of these acts claim to have more than two songs that hold up?)

After the show they can get pestered by shabby aging men in the audience putting their arms around 'em for selfies.

And who knows, some shabby aging women will want to re-live their groupie days and try and give blow jobs to some of them. Which will be easy since now they can take out their teeth.

And it's, what, two THOUSAND dollars minimum for aging man and wife to share a cabin for five days, and reek of rock nostalgia from Miami to a "mystery island" and back? "Hey, that's only a thousand dollars each, and we get five days and nights of food and board. Not bad. And we get to see grimy looking guys with dyed beards, bad wigs, or leathery skin! We get to button-hole some guy from the Strawbs and assholishly tell him what we couldn't say in a paragraph on Facebook AND get a SELFIE. This is LIVING!!"

What do people do with their money in the 21st Century? Only dull ones who do hedge fund swindles on Wall Street, and over-charge legal fees at their law offices, or do robot accounting work actually HAVE money. Their imagination is limited to returning to childhood via Comic-Con shows and CRUISES like this one.

I'm sure they still go to VEGAS to see Elton John, but their "entertainment" dollar is being desperately grabbed at by entrepmanures offering cruises and weekends of "meet the has-been and pay $50 for a photo op."

And while ISIS and the Palest-eeeeeeeeeenians destroy the world with their psycho religions, the 21st Century aging white people make CELEBRITY their religion. They make Comic-Cons their version of Mecca. They make circular cruises their hajira, ending up back in Miami, and having to take planes back to their ridiculous homes.

It might be a curiosity to see one or two of these groups playing a free outdoor concert at a street fair, or some local pub for a modest $25 and a two drink minimum (maybe) but anything more than that IS moronic. As is being so star-struck and so loaded with disposable income that you'll stand next to Peter Tork for $50.

"Ship of Fools" starred such supporting actors as Oskar Werner, Jose Ferrer and Michael Dunn. Gosh, if they were alive today, they'd be sitting at tables raking in a fucking FORTUNE from insolent, ill-mannered, arrogant starry-eyed goofs. The kind that would say, "But shouldn't Michael Dunn be half price?"

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