Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ecuador Spics say: "We are too stupid to treat Julian Assange for his sore masturbating shoulder"

Ecuador, the banana republic that gives asylum to a Swedish rapist, doesn't even have a quack doctor who can help poor, poor Julian Assange with his masturbation-induced shoulder pain.

Assange of course has stated he'd rather wank than have sex with the urine-smelling pygmy women from Ecuador, or get a blow job from the gruesome pie-faced though very feminine-looking Ecuadorian pygmy men.

If that sounds a bit racist, let's not forget that Ecuadorians in addition to being ugly and corrupt, are brain-damaged and immoral. That's why the Ecuadorian embassy embraced the slimiest scumbag in all of Sweden, a jet-setting hypocrite who deserves to have his face shoved up a cow's ass long enough for him to suffocate.

No other country, and that covers a LOT of corrupt stinkers, offered Assange asylum. Equador did, and they should be sanctioned for it. Too bad everyone is busy following Assange-look-alike and part-time skeleton Roger Waters in condemning everything Israel does instead. And ONLY Israel. (The latest Israeli-Palestinian turmoil? Obviously all Israel's fault. Israel should just abandon their country and give it back to monkeys who have endorsed terrorism ever since they champion corrupt simian-faced Yassir Arabfart).

But I digress.

In other words, if the squat, gruesome, diarrhea-colored monkey-creeps of Ecuador care so fucking much about their idol, the adorable intellectual WHITE GOD ASSANGE, they can go pay for a medical crew and equipment to come in and make a house call.

Otherwise, greasy, slimy Ecuador, useless country of bananas and drug dealers...FUCK OFF.

(signed, wellwisher)

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